opening 1

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Cry For The Truth

It starts off with Mesagi in a robe, although his face wasn't shown, and he was holding a card. It then changes to another person holding the same card in a different stance.

It then shows their faces along with a bunch of other people as they threw their cards into the air.

It then shows the sky, with the title, 'Vanguard, Stand!' Along with the Vanguard symbols surrounding it.

It then shows Mesagi and the same group running separately.

shoudou kara makuakeru unmeitachi
It shows Mesagi walking on the streets on a sunny day, talking with Aka, who was pouting at him while Mesagi smiled.

matsu no wa kibou ka zetsubou ka
They then stopped, seeing that they had been in front of the school they were enrolling in.

Akaku sabita tokiyo no haguruma ga ima
It then showed a different class, as Lucine raised her hand and stood up when she was pointed.

kishinde azawarau
She said something but it was inaudible.

seijaku o kakikesu doukoku kono mune o hikisaku erejii
It then shows Shouri, walking towards the Vanguard Club, before there was someone with orange hair walked past him.

Shouri looked back towards the orange haired person.

The orange boy haired slowly turned around, his face not shown.

chishio ga sakebu omoi wa "kimi yo, tomaru na"
All of a sudden, Shouri's PSYqualia is activated and the orange haired boy dissappeared, and when he was in Cray, there was a man with rainbow-ish armour and a golden sword in front of him and was smiling.

tachimukae ikusen mebuku sono konnan ni
It then shows both Mesagi and Lucine cardfighting each other, and from the looks of it, Mesagi won, as Lucine was shown to have an irritated expression and Mesagi seemingly laughed nervously.

shiro ka kuro ka abaku sono shukumei ni
When Kiniro and Asuna came in, Mesagi held onto a card, which was shown to be blank, but Mesagi still smiled as he took out his deck.

iki to shi ikeru mono subete
Asuna and Kiniro was seen to be cardfighting, along with Sekkutsu who was cardfighting Shouri (this one is a tough call I admit), and Aka who was cardfighting Mesagi.

shinzou o tataku wake ga aru soshite
Just before they flipped their starting card, all of their startting cards started to glow.

cry for the truth
They all flipped their card, and the glow went even brighter.

It then shows, Lucine, Aka, Mesagi, Shouri, Kiniro and Asuna, one by one holding their avatars and it soon zoomed out and it shows the background behind the said characters are their respective avatars.

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