Chapter Thirty Two

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Dedication: Agirl292 for the cute cover! Thank you!


"Stay awake," Hayden instructed and I let out a

I nestled my head into his arm, just as he leant down and pressed his lips softly to my forehead.

I laid my head against him, a goofy smile on my face, as I faced the T.V.

If Mia knew this would happen, there is no doubt in my mind, she would not have kicked that ball at me.

A double update for all my lovely readers out there. This is a thank you for voting and commenting. Your comments and encouragements are what help inspire me to write. I love writing this story and it's awesome that there's people out there who enjoy reading it! <3


Rubbing my eyes, I reach out for Hayden and feel my fingers clutch at thin air.

My eyes snap open as I realise I am in bed, alone. A soft knock meets my ears, making me realise that was the reason I woke in the first place.

"Hey," my mum greets with a smile, poking her head through the doorway of my bedroom. "How are you feeling?"

I take a moment for my mind to catch up with what has happened. My head throbs and I wince.

Mia. Sport. The ball.

I let out a groan, rubbing my forehead gently.

"My head hurts."

"That's to be expected," she informs me. She sits at the end of my bed. "Hayden had to leave, to go cook dinner for him and his mother."

I nod slowly, a little disappointed he didn't get to stay. I enjoy having him here.

"It makes me a little anxious that you were both here, alone," she frowns. "But you were both passed out when I came home."

"If you must know," I sigh, still massaging my temples. "Our physical contact has been updated to a kiss on the forehead, so you can rest easy for a little while longer."

"I'm glad you aren't rushing into anything," she smiles. "Last thing you want is to fall-"

"Stop with the pregnancy lectures, please," I whine. "My head hurts enough already."

"Okay, sorry," she apologises, still looking like she wants to continue discussing the matter but instead purses her lips.

"What are you doing here, anyway? Quiet day at work?"

She laughs at my word choice. "Quiet day? No, the school called."

"Aw and you came to check on me." I tease.

"Of course. What would you like for dinner?"

"I'm not really that hungry."

"All right, let me know if you change your mind."

After squeezing my knee gently, she exits my room and instantly I am reaching for my phone and dialling Hayden's number.

"Hey," he answers. I can hear sizzling in the background, indicating he is cooking. The thought makes me smile.

"Hey there."

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore, but better. Weren't you meant to stop me from sleeping?"

"Yeah, well, that was the plan," he chuckles. "I don't even remember falling asleep."

"Me either," I admit. "What are you cooking?"

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