Who's on what side?

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The next morning we took our stuff back to the barn so got up 5 A.M which is way to early for me.  We looked around to make sure no one was there. We left our bags in the barn. Then we walked to school or in Alexa's case the bus stop. We walked into school on time. We avoided people as much as possible because they would start asking where we were yesterday. Hayden and I were taking notes on people during classes including the teachers.  By study hall, my notes were getting rather large.


The math teacher is "sick"

The language arts teacher also "sick"

Mr.Longhorn "sick" again.

the kid in history is being annoying. 

No one has talked to us, Stange.

I showed the notes to Hayden. He nodded. 

He wrote on a piece of paper: I agree with you I had the same notes but that last note about the kid LOL. 

I giggle a little. 

I wrote back on the piece of paper: So you wanna go there again at lunch?

I handed it to him. He nodded. Then he ripped a piece of paper out of the notebook he had been writing it and handed it to me. It was a drawing of a flower. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen a person draw.

 It was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen a person draw

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I wrote on the paper we were talking on and wrote Thanks! :)

He wrote back: You're welcome, keep it.

I wrote back: Really?

He wrote back: Ya.

I hugged him. I think I hugged him a little too hard. I let go of him. He was blushing a little. 

"Sorry," I whispered. 

"It's okay," he whispered back.

Something gave me the feeling he might have liked it. I better not get my hopes up though.The bell rang and we were dismissed to lunch. Hayden and I ate quickly without a word then we went down to spy on those people.

"The weapon is here," A voice said.

"Mr.Longhorn has randomly been getting sick," the other voice said.

"I heard from his wife he went to Puerto Rico again," the first voice said.

"I will find out what the old man's up to," the other voice said.

"You must," the first voice said.

"What happened to those kids from the other day?" the other voice said.

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