Mission 2 - War

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 Gracelynn's point of view

I jumped out the window and ran a few blocks. Then we started walking to the government airport. It was probably ten at night when we arrived there. The officer looked at us.

"Names?" he asked.

"I'm Hayden that's Gracelynn Ricci." He said.

Did Hayden not have a last name?

"Oh, you too yes there is a plane waiting at Port 11."

We dashed off to port 11. We got on the plane and left. My arm was still in pain. But I could care less. So I fell asleep. When we arrived we took a government taxi to the place. I searched through everything in my bag. I forgot how much weapons there were. When we arrived it was quiet. We walked around till we found The Head Boss's office. Hayden knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" My mother yelled. Then the door opened.

"Hi there were back," I said.

"C'mon in." then we walked in with our stuff set out on the floor. Along with Al.

"Well this is what happened: We arrived but the next day we were attacked by frigging ninjas Anyway then we escaped. Perhaps softer injured and murder. We stayed in this house till it burned down. Then we stayed in a barn. But we went to school and noticed two teachers were plotting about a weapon. Mr.Longhorn was also spying on them. Then one day Hayden was sick because he ate too much pizza. And I went into the teacher's room. I got knocked out. Arrived in a cell. I broke out. Then I found the head of the office who goes by the name of Ricci."

"Crap. Keep talking" Mom said.

"Then he explained how that they train most of the Spies and give them to you. And he said there wasn't a weapon which is complete bull shit because there is. I never found it but they were failing there were on trial over 4000 trials I believe. I found this information in this room. I also found those teachers. I killed one. Then the other teacher said they were going to blow this place up because of the fact you and Mr.Ricci do not get along. And they don't trust you guys.Then I killed her. They found the bodies. Then they thought I killed them. I said I didn't. So they did this brutal setup. So they held Hayden my Aunt and Alexa hostage. In the phone call, I had with this guy he said he wanted Mr. Ricci. So I convinced Mr. Ricci to come for a visit. I shot the guy that turns out to be the ninja leader. Hayden and Alexa went to the hospital. During the visit, Mr.Ricci explained how that was a brutal setup and I have 48 hours to turn myself in. Or else they were going to kill me. Well, I still have a few hours left. Then we went home I was told I couldn't live there anymore then we attempted to make it look like I got murdered. We cut my arm for blood use. Then we escaped I passed out later. Woke up in the hospital. My Aunt came in. Hoping that it was me. She did not say that she knows it's me. It was too hard to tell if she knew or not. Then we went out of the window and came here." I stared at mom.

"Well we will send troops," then she picks up the phone. "All troops need to be woken a war is about to start." She hangs up. "Gracelynn you are going to lead this."

"What?" I asked surprised.

"What you are your going to do is you're going to turn yourself in for attention we will attack and destroy them." Mom said with confidence in her voice.

"Okay," I said. "Basically I determine how this mission goes, " I said.

"Yes," Hayden said.

I walked down stairs and everyone was going into planes. I left Al in the office. I then went on the plane with Hayden. We later arrived. Hayden and I walked a mile to the entrance. Then we got to the gate. A tall guard dressed in black was standing there.

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