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We've known each other ever since we were kids. He always has a bright smile on his face that makes the atmosphere a little lighter than the usual gloomy mood. Whenever he doesn't like something he makes a sad face but he doesn't want to get too straightforward with his problems. We always talk about our difficulties and laugh it off like it was nothing. I was there when he was experiencing break-ups and heartaches. I was there to comfort him while he cry and stress eats. I was always there.

"Hiccup, I got a girlfriend."

He sent this via text and all I could do was stare at my phone. Why do I feel so empty? Besides, he always gets dumped after a month of their relationship because he prefers his friends more. He'll come crying to me in no time. I should just support him for now because that's what friends do. I couldn't really be honest with my feelings and just stay as 'friends' with him even though I can't.

But are things going too well for him and his girlfriend?

They're already dating for a year. Even if I invite him to go and hang out, he would do so, but one text message from her girlfriend, and he would go running towards her. Sometimes I feel like my heartstrings are gonna snap anytime, and soon he'll maybe notice my swollen eyes. He always thought it was just lack of sleep, but he's too much of an airhead to even worry about that kind of thing. All he worries about is his pretty girlfriend. He suggests that I find one too.

But you stupid head, you're the one I love!


Who Am I To Love You makes its debut! A typical story about the unrequited love of a guy for his best friend. Featuring HiJack!

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