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Every until now, going home by myself was normal since Jack spent time with Thiana than I. But now, everything's going to change because Astrid wouldn't leave me alone for one bit. She insists we go home together if we want to keep up this facade of being girlfriend and boyfriend. I didn't want to go through the trouble of going home with her, but she's right. If i want to forget about Jack, I have to act like a proper boyfriend!


Or so I thought.

Jack came running towards Astrid and I. He looked tired from running. "I thought you're going to escort Thiana home? Like you always do." I asked. He seemed a little bit agitated so I didn't want to ask further. "I'm going home with her. But I got to talk to you." He said and I looked at Astrid. "It'd only take a few minutes. Wait for me." I told her and she nodded. I went with Jack and we talked over some things. "So, spill it. What do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"I was waiting for you to tell me face-to-face, but are you and Astrid an item now?"

"Yes." I said bluntly.

He covered his mouth with a shocked expression. "What? You're not a virgin anymore?!" He suddenly exclaimed and it made me embarrassed. "I don't intend for that to happen!" I shushed him quickly. "She just confessed awhile ago, and now we're going out." I told him. "So she confessed? Not you? Surprising. For a moment, I thought you were crushing on her." He said but there was something odd about his expression.

"What are you looking relieved for?" I asked him.

"I'm relieved my bestfriend is graduating from being single!" He said so casually.

How do you even do this? What if I'm the girl you like, and I was taken away? How do you deal with these things so calmly? I don't understand. But maybe it's because he doesn't see me that way, that's why it's so easy for him. How I wish that he's in my shoes so that he knows how I felt for a decade. It's actually a suffocating feeling, for one.

"Are you done? Astrid and I are going to go home now." I told him.

"I'll join you two!" He said.

I got confused. "Weren't you waiting for Thiana?" I asked him. "She sent me a text. It's okay if I go home now!" He said, showing me their conversation in a text. It was true though. "But, if a girl tells you to go home, it means she wants you to wait for her. Do you not know these things?" I told him. "Wow, it seems like you know a lot more about girls than I do. Are you a girl? Ha ha! Joking!" He chuckled while I remained silent. 

"Do what you want." I said and turned back at him.

"Hiccup!" He called me once again. If I look at him, I wouldn't be able to leave, and he would see the painful expression I'm wearing. "Have a safe trip home." He said and I nodded while hiding this terrible face. I went to Astrid and tears just streamed down my face. She hugged me tight, and I just let it all out.

"Why are you crying?" She asked me.

"I almost got found out by the person I didn't want to be found out the most." I told her.

She smiled and patted my head. "You really are in love with him huh? I guess you do need to forget about that weirdo." She said and left. "Where are you going?" I asked her. "Ice cream? Want one?" She asked me and I smiled as I wipe my tears away. "Strawberry please." I requested and she gave me a thumbs-up. 

Ah, hurry up and find a new love, self!


every chapter is a short chapter. sorry for that!

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