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How do I even rewrite Hiccup's new impression of me? Now that I know what he is to me, it will probably come off as a farce if I tell him that the one I love is him. I went back to my classroom and notice that Hiccup's bag is not on his desk. I walked up to the class secretary and asked. 

"Hey, have you seen Hiccup?" I asked her.

"Hiccup excused himself earlier and went home." 

I thought maybe, he's avoiding me. Maybe I could pay a visit to him and tell him about how I truly feel! Step by step! It shouldn't be so hard. I told the secretary that I would also be going home and cut classes. It's fine I think. No one would mind that much.

I ran all the way back home. My childhood friend is crying because of me, because I couldn't make up my damn mind and I hesitated. I fired the gun with my own hands and he took the bullet. I'm going to save with my words Hiccup. I will. I arrived at Hiccup's house, gasping for air after I ran all those miles. I have no energy right now. But I should gather all the strength I need to face him.

"Hiccup? I need to talk to you!" I exclaimed at their front gate.

"Jackson? Nice to see you! You went home early!" I was surprised to see Hiccup's dad from the store.

I bowed my head down and smiled. "I was hoping to talk with Hiccup." I said and he hesitated for a bit. He looked up the window and sighed. "Hiccup is having a rough day, and he went out for a walk to clear his mind." He responded and I nodded. "Do you have any idea where he could have gone to rest?" I asked.

"Maybe at the park where you two used to play at!" Hiccup's dad said.

"Thank you very much."

I walked away knowing that my journey to the park would be in vain. I know Hiccup was inside the house. I know he told his dad that if I am to visit, the protocol is to tell me he's not there. I understand him though, I have given him so much pain and so much sorrow that he has been carrying that burden for who knows how many years. I should make it up to him. It's the least I can do.

And I have to tell him about how I truly feel.

I went to the park and sat down on the bench. This feels so nostalgic. The see-saw and the monkey bars. The swing set where I would push him too far up that he would end up jumping and bruising himself just because he told me he doesn't want to fly yet. I wish we could go back to those days. Those happy days where nothing in the world could separate us.


I turned behind me and saw Hiccup in his house clothes, panting so hard like he gasping for air because he ran here just to see me. Wait... did he really run here just to see me in person? Was my trip to the park not in vain after all? I lit up and eventually hid it. "What are you here for?" He asked with a dejected look on his face. I signaled him to come sit beside me and he actually did! But he was inches away from me like he was avoiding my presence.

"My dad told me that you were here." Hiccup said.

"Your dad told me that you were here." I told him and he smiled.

"Dad, really." He said and the air around us grew quiet once again. "You know, Thiana broke up with me." I told him and he looked at me in shock. What are you looking like that for? So cute. "So what do you want me to feel about it? Happy? Pitiful?" He continued and I grabbed his hand and he shook it off of mine.

"Look, I came here to end things with you. I want to whisk my feelings away. Please help me end them!" He shouted and he started crying.

"Actually, I came here for a different reason." I said and leaned in closer to him.

I wiped away his tears, and I gazed at his eyes. His freckles were cute too and he looked at me with those dazzling eyes. "What?" He said, backing away a little bit. But before he could do all that, I started going for it and kissed him on the lips. It lasted for seconds but then he suddenly pushed me away.

"You're horrible! Are you taking advantage of my feelings?" He shouted.

"I'm not, believe me!" I exclaimed desperately, as if I was looking for an excuse.

Hiccup slapped me hard and I felt my cheek throbbing. "Just because I have lingering feelings for you doesn't mean that you could go for it! Your girlfriend dumping you does not give you the right to suddenly jump onto someone who has unrequited love for you for almost ten years! You're the absolute worst!" He shouted and then ran off, leaving me alone with a swollen cheek and another heartbreak.

"Shit...what do I do..?"


i feel extra special

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