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Why did Jack say he wanted to join us? I'm kind of confused that he decided to let Thiana go home on her own. Until then, he was always apologizing to me for not going home together because Thiana is far more important and I'm a guy. I can go home alone whenever. So, why would he want to go so suddenly?

"Hiccup, were you listening to what I just said?" Astrid asked.

"I was thinking of something else, sorry." I said.

I forgot, Astrid was with me. We were eating ice cream and she took my phone from my bag. "I'm going to download a dating app. You should find someone suitable you know? Jack won't be there always." She said and I took away my phone from her. "I'm not into dating apps, you know?" I told her. "But it's your only way to meet someone else! It's cute." She said and she licked her ice cream.

My phone suddenly buzzed and there was a new notification from the dating app she downloaded on my phone. "Astrid! Someone messaged me!" I exclaimed and opened the message. "He wants to meet up." I told her. "That's good~! This might be your chance to escape that unrequited life of yours. Now, help me find my love too!" She said and I chuckled. "Yes, sure." I said.

"What's his name?" Astrid asked.

"Pitch Black?" I said.

I suddenly got shivers. "I don't know about this guy." I told Astrid. "I'm not sure either. Swipe it left." She said and I did. Another message came up, and it was from another person named Night Light. What kind of name is that? Funny, it must be his username. "He's in his 20s. Oh! He's older than you!" Astrid exclaimed and I looked at the profile. "Well, he looks decent." I said and she nodded.

"It's nice to have an older boyfriend too." She said.

"Then I'll message him back?" I asked and she gave me a thumbs-up.

I took a bite of my ice popsicle and messaged back the Night Light guy. He seems like a very kind person, I don't mind meeting up with him. After all, I have to forget about Jack sooner or later. There's no need to make this unrequited love longer! I just need a new person in my life, and forget about Jack so we can return to normal. 

"We're meeting up at 5. I better go." I told Astrid.

"I'm going too. You might be attacked or something." She said.

I nodded at her and we left the shop. I want to meet this guy soon. I hope he's good enough like in his messages. I know we can help each other be ourselves. And I wouldn't worry about Jack any more. We went to the meeting place and Astrid hid herself and watched us from her place. I went to the man sitting on a bench, eating bread while holding juice.

"Hey there." I greeted him.

"Oh, hi! You must be Hiccup. I'm Jack, Night Light is just a username." 

I suddenly froze up. His name is Jack as well? Wow, what fate this must be. I think Astrid is going to laugh once she hears this. "Yeah... Mind if I just call you Jace?" I asked and he nodded. "That's a cool name too. I don't mind at all." He said and for a few minutes, it was awkward, but he decided to come up with a topic. 

"What year are you in highschool?" He asked.

"Um, it's my senior year. How about you?" I asked him.

He took a bite from his bread and sipped from the juice. "I'm a law student in university." He said and I chuckled. "Law? That's my mother's course once. But she suddenly wanted to join the PETA to save stray animals." I said and he laughed. "That's great! But I want to be an ally of justice kind of person." He said. "But if you take up law, wouldn't you defend the bad people too?" I told him. "Yeah, I know. It's the sad part." He said and we laughed. Surprisingly, this is a very comfortable thing.

"Are you gay or you're just trying it out?" He asked.

"I just wanted to forget someone." I told him.

He sighed and looked up at the sky. I tried to look up as well, just to see what he sees. "Me too. My girlfriend broke up with me with another man. I'm actually trying it out with guys." He said and I smiled. "Guess we're just forgetting ourselves. What do you say? I think I'm just alright with being friends." I told him and he nodded. "I agree. Guys can't make my heart skip a beat, after all. But you're a cute little fella." He said. "What am I a dog?" I laughed.

The more I laughed, the more I couldn't remember about Jack. I can even see him walking in the distance. But, it wasn't a dream or a vision at all. It was really Jack and he was looking at me with such horror and disgust. I couldn't look back at him and I just bowed down. I suddenly felt Jace's hand on my shoulder. 

"You okay?" He asked.

"Terribly fine." I said.

But then, Astrid suddenly shouted from where she was. "Hiccup!" She shouted and as I raised my head, Jack slapped Jace's hand away from me. "Ah, sorry?" Jace said. "Let's go Hiccup." Jack said, grabbing my wrist tightly. "Jack! Hey!" I exclaimed. "Jack? Oh shoot! I get it now." Jace suddenly said and then the next thing I knew Jack was running with me getting dragged by him. 

"JACK STOP IT!" I shouted and he did stop.

"Why didn't you tell me you're like that ?" He asked.

I pulled my hand away and there were marks on it. "That? What do you mean that?" I asked him. "You like guys! Why didn't you tell me? I'm your bestfriend! Or is that a lie as well?" He said. "Lie?! Have I been lying? No! Secrets aren't lies. Why do you make it seem like I have to tell everything to you? You're not my boyfriend!" I exclaimed. 

"Then at least, trust me as your friend!" He shouted.

"You don't even know how I feel about you." I mumbled.

He looked at me like somehow I've got no trust in him and he bowed down. "Sorry." He said and left. Astrid suddenly ran towards me and I just cried and cried. I've had enough of this tiresome love.


please. night light is actually from the book: The Guardians of Childhood. and it was said that night light is actually jack frost so they have the same name here ya'll. (but of course here, they're different people so yeah)

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