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"Hi stranger! You've reached Hiccup's phone! I'm not present at the moment, so you can leave your message after the beep. Beep!"

I've heard this tone for the tenth time already. After what happened yesterday, it's actually acceptable for Hiccup to ignore my calls and texts. But ten times? That's too much already. "Hiccup, please answer your phone. I'll see you tomorrow at school." I said and then ended the message. I feel so darn pathetic. After knowing that Hiccup is gay, he doesn't want to trust me now, as a friend. 

My phone suddenly buzzed and I checked it immediately. It was just Thiana, sending me a good night message. I sighed as I replied 'good night' back without feelings at all. I feel like such a loser who can't even win his best friend's trust back. It gets me all the time and I don't want our friendship to end just like this. 

"Jack, come down here!" My mother shouted so I went down. 

She handed me a tupperware of fried chicken and a thermostat of corn soup. "What's this for?" I asked her. "You didn't know? Hiccup's family is away for awhile, so his parents sent me a text message to check on him. Could you bring this over? I'm sure he's already starving!" Mom said and I grunted. Can't you pick a better timing than this, mom? "Hurry on!" She exclaimed and I grabbed my slippers and went outside. I went to Hiccup's block and rang the doorbell. 

"Hiccup! Open up!" I exclaimed, but there was no response. Is he still being stubborn?

I made my way to the backyard and opened their back door. Well, I'm lucky this one's open! I switched the lights on and saw that the living room and kitchen were empty so I dashed upstairs to see if Hiccup's home. I arrived near his bedroom. "Here goes..." I summoned all the courage required and knocked on Hiccup's door. It was surprisingly open as well.

"Hiccup...?" I called out to him, but no response came. 

I heard panting and a sniffle. Oh God, is he by chance doing that? I opened the door wide enough for me to stop him, but then a different situation came up. Hiccup was on the floor, lying down, sweating and gasping for breath. I rushed to him quickly and helped him up. "Hiccup!" I said, shaking him conscious. He wouldn't open his eyes no matter what, and his sweating was continuous. I looked around and saw a bottle of water lying around and took it. 

"Hiccup, come on." I said, panicking. 

I drank the water and without second thoughts, I kissed him and made him drink the water. He gulped and suddenly he coughed and fully awakened. "Are you okay?" I asked him and he looked at me, sweating. He nodded and stood up, all wobbly and tired. "You can go home now." He said and I shook my head. "Not a chance, I'll be taking care of you until you get better." I told him and grabbed him by the waist. "Let go of me!" He struggle, but I pinned him down the bed and put a blanket on him. 

"Sleep. I'll be back with food." I said.

"Why are you even here? I don't even want to see you." He said, being stubborn. 

I just chuckled. "Well, good luck with that because I'm not leaving until you get better." I told him and walked outside and went to the kitchen. I felt myself tremble a bit. Why did my heart skip a beat there? I just kissed him...maybe because I'm his first kiss, or maybe because he was mine? Well, I got to go upstairs, he's probably escaping through the window. I took the thermostat and poured the soup on a bowl. I put the fried chicken on a plate and scanned for bread on the shelves. I immediately went upstairs and offered him food. 

"I said I'm fine." He said, stubbornly declining the food.

I held his arm down the bed and gently placed the plate on his table. "You're really stubborn, aren't you? I'm sorry for everything, I might not know how you feel, and I may not be able to understand it, but I have nothing against your preferred gender." I said, brushing my fingers through my hair. Hiccup suddenly glared at me, and I gulped. 

"Just how shallow can you be? You think I'm angry because I'm gay?" He asked and I shook my head.

"That's not it! I feel like you don't want to talk to me about it, that's why you speak to Astrid. But, if that student-teacher is who you like..." He cut me off.

Hiccup sat up straight so suddenly. "What?" He asked. "He doesn't suit you. I don't like him." I said and then he grabbed me by the collar by surprise. "You have the urge to hate someone, when you don't even know who I really like! Dumbass! Get out of my house, now!" He shouted, and I felt like I really need to get out of the house. He's angry, and he isn't warming up to me.

"Then, I'm going." 

"Yeah, just leave." 

He sniffled and it looked like he was about to cry. He turned away from me and I sighed. "Eat the chicken. It'll make you feel better." I said and smiled. He didn't even bother to look at me or give a nod when I said that.


 I said, but it wasn't really a goodbye, I was just teasing him!


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