Chapter 16:Too late

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It was locked!
How was it locked?!

Cole knew that Kai wouldn't lock the door. He couldn't even walk!

Cole banged on the door with his fist and arm,but it wouldn't open.
"Kai! Can you hear me?! What's going on in there?!" Cole shouted,praying that he would get Kai's response.
"Cole! Please! Help me!" Kai begged.
Cole immediately started banging on the door again.

At this point,Cole couldn't help but let his tears fall. From banging on the door and knowing Kai could be dying right now.

"What's going on?" Cole noticed that he made enough noise to get Jay and Nya's attention.
"Kai! He's stuck inside! I......I think Morro has him again."
Both of there eyes widened.

"MORRO OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!" Cole screamed at the top of his lungs. It surprised Jay and Nya to know that Cole would get that angry.

"Make me,bitch!" Morro shouted back.
Cole was about to shout back,but he then herd Kai screaming for Morro to stop. Cole didn't know what Morro was doing,but it sounded like it was bad.
"MORRO STOP NOW!!!" Cole screamed as he started punching on the door with tears streaming down his face.
"WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!! FOR GOOD THIS TIME!!!" Nya was actually shaking,she was so scared.
Jay kind of backed away.

They knew that Cole liked Kai,but would he seriously go this wild for him? They knew that Kai was badly injured and all,so that's why they thought Cole was going crazy. He doesn't want Kai getting hurt anymore.

Jay stepped up and went towards Cole
"Cole,let us-"
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Cole yelled as he kicked the door and the door burst open. Also cracking it to pieces.
"Oooook. Well,never mind." Jay said.
"Come on!" Nya said as she followed Cole into the bedroom. Jay followed her.

Cole fully made it inside the room he saw Kai's hands tied behind his back,laying unconscious on the floor,and Morro right in front of him. Cole made a death glare at Morro.
"Hi Cole. Did you miss me? Admit it: you missed me!" Morro teased Cole.
Cole only growled "I didn't! You tried to kill Kai!" Cole shouted.
"Yeah yeah yeah!" Morro said annoyed. And grabbed Kai by the back of his Gi
"But I'm taking your hothead back for REAL this time!"
Just as Morro said those words,Kai slowly began to regain consciousness.

When he could see clearly,he saw Cole looking straight at Morro with anger in his eyes. He was about to attack,but he looked at Kai and tears were now filling Cole's eyes. Kai's too.

"Cole!" Kai shouted as tears were escaping his eyes.
"Kai!" Cole should back.
He was about to run to grab Kai,but it was too late.......

Morro had disappeared with Kai in his hands.

Kai was gone........

Nya's eyes widened,she covered her mouth,but she then burst into tears and cried into Jay's shoulder. Jay couldn't help but have his tears fall as well. But Cole.....He felt like his heart was shattered into pieces,more and more tears escaped from his eyes,a shadow covered his eyes,and his rage for Morro build up.

They didn't know what would happen to Kai now,but Cole had a new mission-
Finding and saving Kai before it was too late.....

To be continued.....

I Won't Allow Your Flame To Die (Lavashipping/Hurt/Comfort/Romance) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now