Chapter 4

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"I'm done talking about it..." he mumbled, his gaze glued to the floor.
There was a slight pause before the girl ended up sighing and dropping the topic, "ok, whatever.. just forget about it" she said. She walked over to the kitchen, leaving the vampire on the couch, and began to pour herself a glass of tea.
"I know I already asked earlier but.. want something to drink?" She called from her spot across the apartment.
"...tea" the boy yawned.
The girl returned with a glass in each hand. She placed one on the small coffee table in front of Kuro and sat down with the other in her hand before taking a sip of the cool drink. The boy picked up his glass and did the same, enjoying the fresh tea.
"So what's your name..?" He asked, discontinuing the calm silence.
The girl looked up in surprise, and then confusion, "Did I not tell you?" She asked.
He nodded no.
She forced a laugh and set down her drink, "Wow how rude.." she referred to herself, "well, I'm (y/n)" she let out a slight grin. "Sorry for not telling you. Must've been weird talking to me without a name"
He raised his hand to cover his mouth as he let out another nearly silent yawn, "its fine.."
She watched and noticed how sleepy the vampire looked before leaning forward to place her glass on the table. "You're not much of a night person are you..?" she asked.
He gave her a weird look, "it's 2 in the morning..."
"Still." She replied.
The vampire shrugged trying not to yawn again, "..I'm always like this..."
The girl let a sigh escape her lips as she stood up. "Here, I have a room you can sleep in if you want.." she said, making her way down the hall without him.
The vampire watched for a moment before slowly trailing behind her until he ended up in a small bedroom.
"so this is pretty much it.." she started, not knowing what to say in the situation. The girl pointed to a white door on one of the nearby walls, "Uh..that's the bathroom if you need it."
"Thanks..." he mumbled looking around slightly.
The girl brushed her (h/c) hair behind her ear and looked to the floor as it it were to tell her what she should say. "Uhm... well I'll be out here I guess.. goodnight." She said as she began to leave him in the room.
"Night..." he replied. Kuro surveyed his surroundings once more now that he was alone. The room was relatively clean besides a few things here and there, it sure didn't look like a guest bedroom. 'Is this her room..?' He asked himself. Now that he thought about it, he never came across any other doors on the way here. '...why would she give me her room.?"


The morning came slowly for (y/n). She never really got the chance to sort through her emotions when she was outside so she had to do it after the vampire had fallen asleep. Sadly by the time she was done it was nearly the hour she would've awoken anyways. Another sleepless night for her.

The girl leaned against the kitchen counter with a tired expression. She held a warm cup of coffee taking sips every so often, despite the fact that she never really liked the drink.
"Ugh.. (y/n)...." a muffled voice travelled through the halls.
She stood upright and looked in the direction of her door. There wasn't any sound coming form that direction. Was she possibly hearing things?
"(Y/nnn)..." the voice called again.
She sat her drink on the counter and headed to the bedroom door. She furrowed her brows wondering what was wrong, it didn't sound like anything was happening from inside the room. She placed her ear against the door not wanting open it and possibly intrude on something.
"Are you okay?" She asked, truly confused on what his problem was.
"Noooo~...." he whined from the other side of the door.
She removed herself from the door and pushed it open peering inside. Much to her surprise, Kuro was nowhere to be seen.
"Uhm. What's wrong? Where are you?" She asked.
"Turn off the sun~.." he groaned.
Her eyes turned to the direction form with the sound came, which happened to be very low to the floor. There she saw nothing but a small black cat, laying on the floor with its eyes covered. 'What.. the heck.'
"I'm dyingggg meow~" the cat whined in a voice slightly higher than Kuro's. He cowered away from the sun.
"Kuro?!" She gasped with several expressions on her face. She lowered herself to her knees before raising the cat to her eye level, "Uhm... you're a cat..?"
"Agghh, yes but-"
"That's so weird..!" She almost shouted with a laugh. She couldn't hold in her surprise and and confusion as she spoke, "Oh my-" She cut herself short with a giggle and pet his head, "oh my god you're so cute, that's hilarious~.." she teased.
Kuro sent the girl a glare, however it quickly dissolved at the sight of her. Something was different, something had changed about her. She was smiling, a genuine smile. He couldn't bring himself to feel annoyed at her teasing when he sat how her face lit up. And for a moment his thoughts were lost in her smile, before he managed to bring himself back to reality, "What a pain... can you at least get the curtains..." the kitten groaned.
"Oh." She said as she finally stopped playing with him in his cat form, her smile remained on her face. There was something about that smile that made the vampire feel warmer. He wished it would stay there on her face forever.
She set him down and walked over to the window, yanking on the curtains to close them tightly. A 'poof' sound came from behind her, and she turned to see that the vampire was sitting before her in his normal form. (Y/n) only gave the vampire an odd look before just accepting what had happened.
"Well that was.. exciting." She huffed.
"It was bothersome if you ask me.. do you always tease people..?"
The girl sighed and glanced at the floor for a second, her face returning to its usual state, "well.. I don't usually talk to people..." she said and looked back up to him with her other smile, "sorry for teasing, I've just never seen that before ya know?"
The vampire shrugged and watched as the girl began to walk towards the door.
(Y/n) stepped around him and opened the bedroom door, "I'm not much of a breakfast eater so if your hungry tell me or else I won't make anything" she said before leaving him without receiving an answer.


Kuro headed out finding (y/n) on the couch watching television. He helped himself to some snacks and joined her in the act of doing basically nothing for a few hours.
After quite some time, and a couple conversations the girl looked at her phone to check the time.
"Oh crap its already 8:30.." she sighed and looked down to the vampire who was sitting on the floor, "..hey Kuro, I need to go to the store and pick up a few things-"
"Go tomorrow" he responded cutting the girl off mid sentence.
She was almost cut off guard by his tone. It was odd how he seemed to be kind one moment and cold another. "The store is closed tomorrow, we're going today" she replied in a tone that explained that she wouldn't be argued with. She stood up to gather her things and get ready to leave, hearing a loud groan from where the vampire sat. 'Jesus it's like he's getting lazier by the second' she thought.
"If it's that much trouble then just turn into a cat and go back to sleep. I'll carry you." She huffed as she threw her jacket over her shoulders, she sounded a little mean this time.
'Oh god I'm making her mad... oh well, I'm leaving soon anyways..' Kuro thought to himself. "Fine.." he sighed and took his cat form as soon as she had finished getting ready. He hopped atop her shoulder and immediately made himself comfortable enough to try and sleep mumbling out the words, "buy me some chips while we're out..."
"Ok one, you're not going to be staying much longer so why should I? And two, I thought vampires mostly drank blood for nutrition"
Kuro groaned and shut his eyes, "how rude... that's a stereotype... Vampires receive their power from blood, but we can eat whatever we want" he yawned, "hurry up and go to the store before it closes.."
"Right..." she sighed


It was already dark out and people were receding to their homes. (Y/n) sighed at the fact that she always found herself being a night owl. She had luckily made it to the local grocery store before closing and bought everything she needed for the time being, including chips. She kept her eyes to the ground as she walked, something she often did although this time it was a little difficult with the sleeping cat on her shoulder.
The cold wind cut through her clothes making her want nothing but to get home as quickly as possible. But of course with her luck, something always had to get in the way.
A man had walked out of an alleyway, and because neither were paying attention to anything, he ran straight into the girl.
"Oh, sorry" she apologized and stepped back.
"It's no probl- Oh. Um I'm sorry I didn't know you were...." he trailed off. This guy seemed all over the place and it have (y/n) an unsettled feeling. "If you don't mind me asking..? How old are you..?" He asked.
"Uhm... 17..?" She replied hesitantly, her voice curving the statement to sound like a question.
"Oh? A young one aren't you..? Are you alone..? Where are you going..?"
The girl felt herself beginning to tremble as she stepped back. She could feel something wasn't right and it was triggering her anxiety. "W-well I uh.. I-"
"Why don't you come here..~?"

[By chance...] ~Servamp~ (sleepy ash)Kuro x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now