Chapter 9

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(Middle of the Night)

Nicki's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night. I don't know why but I just couldn't sleep. I went and walked to the kitchen for some water. I slowly got a drink and washed my cup out. On my way upstairs I heard noises. I thought I was just hearing things until I was about to walk in my room and heard some bumping against a wall. I rubbed my eyes and walked back out. I went walking down my hall to the last bedroom we had and it was one of our bedrooms. Getting closer I hear grunts and moans and the bed speaking. I know he did not bring in some bitch to fuck in my house is all I could think. It better be the damn tv. I went and busted in the room.

"Aumm! Yesss! You hit my spot!" She moaned out. She was on top of him and held her waist kissing and sliding in and out of her. I turned the light on and everything just stopped. Tears started forming in my eyes and they moved away from eachother quickly.

"Nicki baby! It's not what it looks like" Drake said getting up and slipping back on his underwear. I looked over at Cassie all wrapped up in the sheets trying to get dressed as well. Drake came over by me and I pushed him off me.

"You bitch! You dirty ass bitch!" I yelled. "And you!" I yelled at Drake, "I trusted you! I had faith in you! And me!"

"Baby I -"

"No! Shut the fuck up! Cassie get your shit and get the fuck out of my house!!" I yelled. She struggled but left out the room quickly. I don't know why she tried to cover up cuz she just fucked my husband and I've seen her naked plenty of times at the strip club plus she fucks Wayne on the side. I left out the room Ignoring Drake and grabbed my stuff packing. I slipped on my clothes from earlier. I grabbed my phone, purse and keys.

"Nicki don't do this!" Drake yelled.

"Drake go fuck yourself! I hate you! I fucking hate you! You lied to me!" I screamed going downstairs. He grabbed me when I reached the last stair and I slapped the shit out of him. He held his face getting up and looking at me. I had rage in my eyes and was breathing heavy.

"You're not leaving me!" He said grabbing me roughly and hurting my arms. I hit him trying to get away.

"Dammit drake! " I yelled. I bit him getting him off me. I remembered how rough we could get and aggressive we could be. "I'm done with you! We are getting a damn divorce!" I yelled.

"What do you mean divorce!?" he yelled grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"oww!" i screamed. "Drake let go of me! now!" he let go and dropped me.I stood and grabbed my bags and slammed the door leaving the house.

I cried driving to Lauren's house. I got her key going in and went up to her room.

Lauren's POV:

I woke up to the sound of a slammed door and crying. I sat up and turned on my lamp as my room light came on. I looked at the door and there was a sobbing Nicki. I got up and rushed over to her. She cried on my shoulders harder.

"He-he cheated! I - I seen him an-and c-Cassie to- gether." She said between sobs.

"Oh my goodness" I said holding her.

"He man- hand-led me a-alittle too" she said sniffling up then crying. I went and put her in the bed with me and held her. She was abut to cry and talk some more but I told her to just be quiet.

"We can talk about it tomorrow baby" I said. She just held my waist as I held her and she cried.

"He hurt me Lauren" she said. I started wanting to cry myself for her.

"I know Nicki" I said. I started feeling her tear spot on my clothes. Eventually her cries got shorter and died out. I looked down and seen she cried herself to sleep. I could see the tear lines on her face, her makeup ruined even though she only wore alittle. I laid her down with me. I feel so sorry for Nicki.

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