Chapter 40 pt.1

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Nicki's POV:

I wake up to my phone ringing. I sit up, getting out of Safaree's arms and answer.

"Hello" I ask. I then hear crying and Lauren's voice.

"Ni-Ni-Nicki" I heard her struggle to say then sniff. I turn on my lamp and wake up fully.

"Lauren what's wrong?" I ask.

"She's g-gone!" I hear her say then cry more.

"Lauren I'm on my way. okay?" I say getting up and going to my closet. She just hangs up. I slip on some sweats, house shoes and a hoodie. "Safaree" I say getting him up.

"Yeah" he said groaning.

"Baby I'm going to Laurens house. something happened. Are you gonna come?" I asked. He just gets up sighing and slips on something.

"Not like I have a choice" he says. we both then leave out the house and I speed towards Manuel's place. Getting there I see police cars and ambulance along with a fire truck. Safaree and me hop out the car to find Lauren. She sits in the house on the couch crying.

"Lauren" I say going to her. She grabs me crying more. "What happened?" I asked holding a sobbing Lauren in my arms.

"Kianna is gone" said Manuel.

"Gone!? What do you mean gone!?" I asked loudly.

"Someone had taken her" said Kendall across from us on another couch with a police. Two detectives then walked in.

"Sir we have evidence from blood, things that have been touched and broken and we had a search team look around the house to find this" said a women. She then held up a bag of something that looked like drugs inside.

"Do you do drugs?" asked a man.

"No sir. None of us" Manuel answered.

"I figured. We will need to look around more and investigate more tonight and tomorrow." he said.

"Yes, I understand" he said. Manuel stood and shook their hands and they left. It was about another two hours then they decided to leave. We were all in the living room talking at this point.

"He said they found her window open, gate broken into and my alarm disabled" Said Manuel.

"And a bag of crack, cocaine, weed and heroin" said Kendall. "There is only one person I know with that type of stuff" she added.

"Really?" he questioned.

"Boy you know that girl is crazy. She was probably high taking her" she said. Lauren then got up going upstairs quickly.

"I got it" I said going after her. I walked down the hall expecting her to be in her room but she was in the bathroom throwing up.

"Lauren don't make yourself sick" I said going over to her.

"Nicki I can't help it" she said. "Hormones and scares like this" she said.

"You don't need to throw up though" I said.

"But its needed in this condition" she said standing and wiping her face.

"Lauren you will find her. This isn't even a condition" I said. She just leaned on the counter looking at me.

"Nicki I'm not talking about a kidnapping condition." she said. I just looked at her.

"You mean" I started. She nodded with a smile. "Omg!" I spazzed but she quickly shut the door. "Imma be a aunty" I said happily. She laughed.

"Shh. I haven't told Manuel yet, not even Kendall." she said.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"About a week" she said. "I was waiting til the right time to tell him and obviously tonight isn't the time" she said.

"Awee. And yeah. But y'all will get Kiannah back" I said. She nodded and we left out the bathroom.

Lauren's POV:

I went back into the living room with Nicki and Manuel was talking still.

"Listen Manuel, they will be back in the morning. just get some sleep for now" said Kendall.

"Come on baby" I said taking him upstairs. "Nicki and SB if you wanna stay the night I can show you to the room" I said. They followed and went into the room shutting the door. Manuel and I did the same then laid down.

"She will be okay" I said comforting him.

(Next Morning)

I woke up early with Manuel to talk to the detectives more. Nicki, Fared and Kendall were around listening.

"Okay coming back this morning we seen tire tracks in your driveway. It goes down to the end of your street then there is no more. We have the evidence from last night and our search team is looking more now. Is there anyone you can think of who would do this?" he asked.

"Just one person, her mother" said Kendall.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Tyanna Elise" Manuel said.

"Okay. Anyone else?" he asked. We just said no.

"Detective, you might want to come see this" a cop said. He tried to tell us to stay inside but we didn't care to listen. We had seen in the backyard a purse.

"Now who is this dumb!?" asked Nicki.

"A damn crackhead" said Kendall.

"We have just enough evidence. Let's go" said the cops.

"What do you mean let's go!?" Asked Manuel.

"We're about to go get your daughter sir" he said.

"If you go then I'm going" Manuel said running to his car.

"Lauren you go too, we'll stay here" said Kendall. I nodded following. Following the cops all you hear are horn honking and sirens. I was really praying that we didn't have an accident. These cops were serious when it came to their job. They hit their brakes hard and were out their cars faster than I could blink. Getting out the car all we had to do was wait.

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