Chapter 11

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Nicki's POV:

I woke up again in the middle of the night. I can never sleep in places I'm new to. I got up and went into Safaree's kitchen for something to drink. I went upstairs and walked into Lauren's room.

"Lauren" I whispered.

"Whaat?" She asked groaning.

"I can't sleep" I said.

"I can" she said putting the covers over her head. I just laughed alittle. I walked out and went to find Safaree's room. It took me up to three different bedrooms then I found it. His tv was on and he was wide awake watching it.

"Hey" I said knocking quietly.

"Uhh, oh hey. What's up?" He asked.

"I can't sleep" I said standing in the doorway.

"Oh, did you wanna come in?" He asked. I just nodded and sat beside him. "Is my house creepy or something?" He asked. I laughed.

"No, I just can't sleep in places I'm not used to" I said.

"Oh yeah, I get it" he said.

"Yeah but why are you up?" I asked.

"Just am" he said. I looked at the tv and he was watching a different world.

"Really? You're watching this?" I asked.

"Only thing good on, and it's not a bad show" he said.

"Mhm and yeah. I guess not".

"Do you miss him?" He asked.

"Why you ask?" I asked.

"I just have to" he said.

"No you don't have to...but sorta. In a way" I answered.

"I just think it's messed up how he did that even when he knew you were in the house" he said.

"Yeah, that was pretty dumb." I said.

"And Cassie has nothing on you. Trust me." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"I'm just saying Cassie is seen as a booty call. Not the type to be in a real relationship unless a guy really likes her. So your man getting with her means nothing to him. He just wants to get laid." He said. "But with all he's been doing is saying that there is another women involved and he is trying to find a way to balance all y'all out". After Safaree said that I realized it could be true. Plus Safaree could relate because he is a guy.

"I see how that can be" I said.

"Clearly he loves you but he doesn't love you enough. The other women are giving him what he wants when you don't give it to him. Whether it being a one night stand or booty call" he said.

"Safaree you must of been through this" I said.

"No, I can just relate like that" I said.


"Plus I keep telling you I don't want all that drama. I mean I can do the same thing but I won't be dumb about it, but I choose not to. I know better. Plus I want a women of my own that would want a guy of their own." He said.

"So what kind of women do you like?" I asked.

"Why? You gone transform to that women?" He asked. I laughed.

"No but you wish" he just smiled.

Safaree's POV:

Nicki and me just going on about this conversation of relationships and I feel like we not even talking in the middle of the night.

"The kind of girls I like are the fine ones of coarse, the girls that can be good and bad, and a bit of a freak. Can hold a conversation and have a weird cute side of her. Bossy and strong, has to be smart and a plan for life. Successful and not a bum. Long hair don't care or likes to change things up alittle bit just to get that spice in life. Has a great style and likes to play. Someone who can cook and we can laugh together. But when it comes down to the times we need eachother I can give her everything she needs. I'd spoil my girlfriend" I said. Nicki just sat there listening.

"That's sweet. So why don't you have one yet?" She asked. I laughed.

"Just waiting" I said. "But there's more to it. I want a real genuine relationship with one person I can love more than myself, ya know?" I asked.

"Yeahh. That's how I felt....then it changed" she said. She got up and walked around alittle. "Have you ever had a broken heart?" She asked.

"Honestly, yes." I said. She looked at me.

"How did you deal with it?" She asked.

"Just thought about myself. I knew that it wasn't meant to be and my time with the real person I'm suppose to be with will come" I said.

"True" she said, "I think I can sleep now" she said walking towards the door.

"Okay, night" I said.

"Night" she said walking out. I watched as she left. I just wonder if she likes me like I like her. Or even if she wants to be with me.

Nicki's POV:

Safaree is unbelievable. He is a great friend but I wander if he can be a great boyfriend like he says. In the end I just don't want to get hurt if I choose to date him.

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