Chapter 15

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Wayne's POV:

Nicki had fell off the stage. She fainted and security had quickly tried to get her before the crowd tried to attack. We got a car to rush her to a hospital. I couldn't make Drake leave because he wanted to go with us. But we made his ass sit in the back of the car. Safaree held Nicki in his lap in the passengers seat while we were all spread around in the bus. When we got there they put her in a room and made us stay out in the waiting room.

Drake's POV:

Even though I cheat on Nicki I have mad love for her. I honestly don't know why I cheat or love sex. It just happens with me and I'm too stupid enough not to deny it. Seeing her with that dude Safaree had me heated. I know Wayne hates me right about now, but Cassie means nothing to me. She has nothing compared to Nic. It's just sex. And obviously Cassie feels the same way because she is thinking about her relationship with Wayne.

Cassie's POV:

Shannel and I are just done with eachother, yet we are gonna keep having problems if Wayne keeps messing with her. They don't even really like eachother. Like all of sudden you find out I'm sleeping with someone and then we go on your and you with another chick. No bitch, stay away from my man.

Nicki's POV:

I woke up and was in a hospital bed. I just laid there trying to remember all of what happened. The nurse walked into the room.

"Hello Ms. Maraj-Graham" she said. Hearing my marriage name made me want to just disown it.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fell off stage and fainted. You were out for a while there" she said.

"Uh yeah" I said.

"You're good as far we are concerned. But have you been under alot of stress lately?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm currently trying to get through a divorce with fake ass friends behind me" I said.

"Yeah, that's stress alright" she said. "But you need to watch out for your blood pressure rising" she said.


"I'll go see if they will release you and your visitors can come in" she said leaving. After a while everyone came in, including Drake. Drake and Cassie are really getting me drained.

"Nicki" said Lauren. It was funny to see her excitement because she just climbed in bed with me, no questions asked. Like she was being my comforter.

"How you doing?" Asked Wayne.

"My nurse says I'm under alot of stress" I said looking at Drake. He just looked back at me.

"Tell us something we don't know" said Lauren. "Even I'm stressed and these problems ain't mine". I just looked up at the tv and noticed the news was on us.

"Guys turn up the tv, now!" I yelled. They looked and turned the tv up.

"Breaking news. Last night at the young money concert there was quite a bit of a stir. There was a video sent in this morning on everything" said the reporter. "Here is the clip" he said playing the video. We seen how everything went down. Everyone was pretty much embarrassed. "There are alot of things questionable in this video. Are Nicki and Drake headed for divorce? Is she with Safaree? We all did hear her say boyfriend. Cassie and Wayne are an item? Did Wayne cheat on Cassie with Shannel? And is singer Nicki Minaj okay from her fall? We have to find out. TMZ seems like you got a project coming up." He said. "I'm your reporter and now back to the weather". Wayne turned the tv off.

"Thanks for messing everything up Drake!" Yelled Lauren.

"Bitch shut up! I didn't mess anything up! It was Cassie's dumb ass!" He yelled.

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