Chapter 43

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(Two months later)

Nicki's POV:

For the past two months i've been in and out of court fighting with Drake. But today is the final trial and we get to know who gets what. Yet im more concerned for my money. Im fully moved in with Safaree and we already are planning out our life together. I took him with me to this trial. I knew he would be happy to see me free from Drake.

Walking into the court room I seen the Judge and both me and Drake's lawyers talking. I sat down at my table with Safaree. Drake then walked in and took a seat at his table.

"Oh I see you brought boy toy along" said Drake.

"If I'm a toy at least I know Nicki likes to play with me more than you" said Safaree. I laughed but stopped quickly. Drake's smile turned to a low frown.

"Baby don't interact with Drake and his childish ways" I said.

"Ain't nothing wrong with checkin the nigga though" he said. I laughed and shared a kiss with him. Our lawyers then walked back to us.

Drake's POV:

Safaree and Nicki's kiss made me sick. I turned as my lawyer started walking back towards me. He took a seat next to me and the Judge started talking.

"Mr. Aubrey Graham you get everything that you own. And by that I mean whatever you paid for and was yours before marriage." He said. I nodded in understanding.

"We'll accept" said my Lawyer.

"And to you Ms. Onika Maraj" he said writing,"you will get whatever is in your procession like you asked. Including the ten million dollars that Mr. Graham stole from your account." He said.

"Wait a minute!" I shouted.

Nicki's POV:

I smiled knowing that I could have all my shit back. I knew when Drake heard that he was torn. And he should be.

"Wait that money is partially mine" he said.

"No it is not. I have account records and proof. Unless you have some proof that you had procession of ten million dollars then it is hers" said the Judge. Drake was out of words. "Now Mr. Graham you should be worried about the consequences of your actions of theft, threats and you are charged with some abusive towards certain situations" he said. "Your lawyer has convinced me of not giving you jail time but the consequence of rehab ".

"Rehab for what?!" Drake yelled.

"Anger management!" The Judge spat back. "Congratulations on your divorce have a nice day. You can see the secretary out in the hall for further information for Mr. Graham" the Judge said then got up pounding his gavel. Safaree and me gathered my things and left out the room. We didn't wanna rub in front of Drake's face that I won but once we got outside, after leaving the paparazzi, we shouted in joy sharing a hug.

"Yessss!" I said.

"Ugh finally" he said. I laughed. We listened to 'yass bish' on our way home. I laughed with Safaree at his jokes on the way inside the house. Suddenly I heard a bunch of people yell surprise. I looked and seen everyone. My crew, my family and friends.

"Omg!" I yelled.

"Yass bitch yass!" Said Lauren coming to hug me. I laughed hugging her. I rubbed her little baby bump.

"Okay turn up time!" Yelled Wayne. Everyone laughed and hugged Safaree for the surprise party. Then celebrated with everyone.

-comment and vote barbz. The book is pretty much over so sequel or nah? Got any ideas? Then inbox them to me. Thanks for reading

Mr. PerfectDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora