Chapter 42

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Nicki's POV:

I clean my face off and get a call.

"Hello" I answer.

"Baby you okay? Is everything alright?" asked Safaree.

"I'm okay but everything is not fine. Drake is somewhere with my money and I just need to -" I stop hearing my phone beep. I look on the screen to see Drake's name. With no hesitation I switch over to the other line.

"Drake where is my money!?" I yelled.

"Well hello to you too. Where is my wife?" he asked.

"Ex wife!" I said.

"Nicki we had a shared account. And I asked if I could get that shared account back. How could you keep 10 million dollars from me?" he asked.

"Same way I kept myself from you. Drake I worked hard and long to get that money since I was sixteen. How could you!?"

"See how it feels to have something taken from you?" he asked.

"Drake this is not a game!" I said pissed.

"Yet I'm playing you just like you played me. Goodbye Nicki" he said.

"Drake I want-" I said trying to get out every word before he could hang up. I screamed slamming phone on the counter. I started crying and left the building. I went to the nearby park and sat at a table. Going through my contacts I knew there was only one person I could talk and cry to. Waiting as the phone kept ringing she finally answered.

"Hello Onika" she said.

"Hi mommy" I said about to cry again. I feel so upset.

"Oh no. I know that voice. What happened?" she asked.

"Drake stole 10 million dollars out my bank account." I said.

"What!? 10 million?" she said.


"I thought you had separate accounts" she said.

"We do and I left it that way" I said.

"Nicki tell me you have more than one account" she said.

"No. I never thought about it" I said.

"Nicki I told you when you with a man to keep a separate account and a secret account" she said.

"I know but I never did it." I said .

"Oh nikabear. That was money you saved since 16?" she asked. At the point I broke down and said yes. "Baby quit crying" she said. I sniffed wiping my face and stopped eventually. "Baby he will get his. Drake is a bastard and he will get his because god is always with you and has a plan" she said preaching to me.

"I know" I said taking in her words.

"You aren't broke are you? you still have a job?"

"No and yes." I answered.

"Well you're still okay. And you have Safaree who loves you and I'm sure is there for you" she said. "That boy is crazy about you" she added laughing. I smiled and laughed a little. "There we go. A laugh. I didn't wanna talk to my daughter without heating her laugh and knowing she is smiling" she said.

"Thanks mama" I said.

"You're welcome baby. Just pray. God will answer. And Drake will get his" she said.

"Okay mama." I said.

"I love you baby. You will get through this" she said.

"Thank you. I love you too" I said and hung up. I felt a little better but still not at ease. I just stayed at the park and cleared my mind trying to think. It was about seven when I decided to leave. I looked at my phone seeing all my missed calls and messages. I thought about the first time Drake cheated.


It was late and I was just coming back from work. The club was so hectic I decided to leave early. I was tired and just wanted to be in Drake's arms. I pulled into my driveway and grabbed my bags getting out the car. I opened the door and put my bags down on the couch. I went back out and checked the mailbox. I looked at it going back inside and felt my phone buzz.

"Hey" I said answering it.

"Hey" said Lauren. "Girl I'm at home and eating ice cream" she said.

"Your dream snack after work" o said laughing.

"Yeah but something tells me you might be getting you a dream snack of ya know what I mean" she said. I laughed.

"I know exactly what you mean and maybe. Speaking of which I just got home and don't hear anything. Plus the lights are out" I said looking around.

"Probably upstairs waiting for you" she said.

"Or sleep" I said.

"Whatever. All i know is you better use protection messing with Drake" she said.

"I always do" I said. "Now stay out my sex life" I said.

"Yeah yeah" she said.

"Bye Lauren" I said.

"Byee" she said.

I hung up and grabbed my things going up to my room. I heard some small noises that got louder going up. Reaching my room I hear Drake's voice. I smile happy that he was up. But my smile faded hearing another women's voice. I cracked my door open and seen a girl straddled on Drake and in my sheets. He held her lower back kissing on her. She giggled softly.

"You love me?" he asked.

"Yes" she said. "you love me?" she asked back.

"More than anything or anyone else in the world" he said. I watched as they shared a passionate kiss. At that moment I felt my heart shatter to pieces and dropped my things. One of my bags made the door open all the way and I was spotted. They reacted to the noise of my bags and and turned looking at me.

"Uh-hh! B- Baby I" said Drake failing to get his words out. I ran off and down the stairs quickly. I heard him follow and grabbed me before I could grasp the doorknob. I started crying as he hemmed me up trying to tell me things. I yanked away at his bull and let to Lauren's house that night. That same night I swore I wouldn't trust Drake with anything ever again. Even to be in a relationship again.

*Flashback over*

If anything Drake was my biggest mistake ever.

I finally pull up to the driveway and Safaree waisted no time helping me inside. I didn't expect him to be at our house but I'm glad he is here with me. For the rest of the night he just held me. Not caring for sex, me not talking or anything. Just was happy that I was safe. I guess that's all I can ask for . For him to be here. My Mr. Perfect.

-to me I feel like this is the best chapter in this book and is very emotional. Like the most felt chapter.

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