Chapter 35: Out of Love

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Ant's POV

Mariah is now two days old and we're finally taking her home after our hospital stay. Just the sight of my baby girl makes me happy. She's so tiny and precious, Mariah's literally perfect to me. The day she was born was by far the best day of my life. Helping Taylor birth her made me feel a special connection between the both of them.

The day after Taylor had Mariah my pops and Tyshawn came up to the hospital to see her. Tyshawn held his niece and Mariah kept smiling with her eyes closed. She has dimples just like Taylor does. Once we get home, Cory and Taylor's parents are coming by since they all just got back into town.

"Let's put on your little booties and your hat so you don't get sick." Taylor talked in a baby voice as she dressed Mariah.

We were discharged from the hospital and on our way to the house. Taylor sat in the backseat with Mariah while I drove. She talked to Mariah the whole ride. Once we got home, I carried Mariah in her car seat and Taylor held the diaper bag along with all the cards we received.

"It feels so good to be home." Taylor sighed.

"Lets show Mariah her room." I carried her up the stairs.

"Here's your bed, ma-ma. And this is where daddy will rock you to sleep and read you all the good bedtime stories. I'll even rap for you sometimes." I cradled her.

"Sit down. I wanna take a picture of you with her." Taylor grabbed her phone.

Neither one of us has uploaded anything to social media yet, we've barely touched our phones. The only pictures we've took with Mariah are the ones that other people took of us while visiting the hospital. I'm surprised Tay hasn't been taking pictures like crazy, I think she's still shocked right now. Taylor snapped the picture of me sitting in the rocking chair holding Mariah. Her face wasn't showing, only her hair and I decided to share with the world my pride and joy.

@bosslife.ant: I've waited a long 9 months to meet my princess and on March 22nd I finally had the chance to hold her in my arms. 👶🏾 She's even more perfect than I imagined. Everybody say hi to Mariah 💙😘

"Now let me show you all your clothes." I kissed her forehead.

Even though Mariah was knocked out, I still walked her around her bedroom. Everything feels complete now that she's here. As I gave her the grand tour, the doorbell rung. With Mariah in my arms, Taylor and I greeted her parents and brother at the door.

"Awww!" Taylor's mom pushed her husband and son out the way.

The three of them went to wash their hands and then we all sat in the living room. Mariah was laying in her swinger until her grandma swooped her up.

"She looks like a Indian baby. Oooo, look at all the hair on her arms." She observed the baby.

"She looks just like Taylor to me. For real she don't even look like a real baby." Cory grabbed her hand.

"I think she's the perfect combination of both of them." Her dad held the baby.

"Here's her hospital pictures." Taylor showed her mama the baby pictures.

Everybody held conversations and took turns passing Mariah around that she finally woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and squinted at her grandpa. She moved her mouth around like she wanted to talk, she started sticking her tongue out too. I swear everything about her makes me melt. I thought I loved Taylor, but nothing compares to the love that I have for my daughter.

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