chapter 1

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*DISCLAIMER* much of this is changed up or fake for more interesting content, so things will not always happen in the order of events that they actually happened in real life. Enjoy!!!Annie POV

"And the first place, national winning solo, and winner of the Millennium Dance School Scholarship, goes to....I FLY FROM HAYLEY LEBLANC!!" the loud speakers blare. We all scream and clap for Hayley as she stands up to receive her giant trophy and certificate. "Now Hayley, what studio are you from??" "On Pointe Creative Dance!!" (made up studio btw) She said i to the microphone with a huge smile on her face. "Well congratulations...blah blah blah" continued the man but i zoned out to my phone looking at the email i just received.

Dear Julianna Leblanc,
        Filming for "Super Six" will begin on June 20th at 8 am. We expect you on set about and hour early so we have time for hair and make up. We will see you then.

                    -Disney Channel Associate

   "Mom look!" i flipped my phone to show her. "That's in a month! But so is Hayley's first class at Millennium...we will figure it out later! Let's celebrate for now!" mom said as i shut my phone off. All of the dancers exited the stage and we head back to Hayley's dressing room. "HAY HAY YOU DID AWESOME!" I yell to her as i run and hug her. "Thanks Ans!!" she said as mom and dad hugged her. "So, celebratory dinner?" asked dad. We all nodded our heads and went back into Hayley's dressing room so she could pack up all of her makeup and stuff. After about 30 minuets of packing, we were all in the car. "Chilis?" dad asked. "YEAH!" Hayley and i yelled at the same time, making us laugh. We drove to the Chilis closest to our house for a celebration. -skip to after-

"Annie come down please!" yelled mom from the kitchen. I ran down the stairs to see mom sitting at her computer. "What's up?" i sat down in the stool next to her. "So i just checked my email, and you got signed by a major record label in LA!! It's called Hollywood Records!" I screamed at this news. "OMG YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING! THIS IS CRAZY!! AHHH" I ran around the kitchen like a crazy person. "Wait." i stopped and looked at my mom. "What are we going to do? I have to be in LA for both my show and my record deal. How are we going to do it?" "I'm not sure...I can't leave Hayley with her scholarship and all and daddy has to stay here for work. But you have to be in LA next month." She looked back down at her computer. "And we have to meet with your new manager for the deal next week." She put her head in her hands and sighed. "Wait, so i may have to go to LA alone?" i asked. "That might be our only choice. But you would have to stay with an adult obviously. Maybe Jayden or Rebecca." She grabbed her phone, called someone, and walked outside. I went to the fridge and grabbed an apple and a capri sun and thought. What if i have to go to LA alone? What if i have to do my meetings alone? What if what if what if. "Annie, why don't you head to bed and we will work this out on the morning. It's been a long day" You could say that again. I nodded my head and ran upstairs. I changed my clothes, plugged in my phone, and headed to bed, with a million thoughts still running through my head.

It Can't Be//completedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora