chapter 59

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Annie POV
   It's now Sunday. Two days without Hayden. I got my phone taken away since i'm grounded so I have nothing to do. I'm only allowed on my computer and only for school. Rebecca did some kind of parental setting where to enter and exit different apps on my computer, I need a password. So Rebecca gets onto the school app on my phone, and I have to do school all day. I have to stay in my room unless it's so to eat or go somewhere for work or anything like that. You know, the typical grounded rules. So like I said, two days with no Hayden. Two days with no 'good morning' or 'goodnight' texts. Two days of me living in my pajamas. Two days of me wanting to cry every second because I know that when season one is over and we have that 2 month break, I won't be able to see Hayden. On the bright side, we are filming tomorrow and all next week, so I get to see Hayden. And, Hayden and I are gonna be in the recording studio on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I try to keep telling myself that it'll get better. I also try to tell myself that my mom is an absolute control freak who only cares about my work life, but I can do that with out a problem. I'm also not allowed to vlog while i'm grounded, so that's gonna suck. One whole month of me not being able to vlog, or edit, or watch youtube, or get in contact with anyone. I begged my mom to at least let me attend the annual set sleepover that happens every year, and she said fine. Basically, the whole staff spends the night on the set and we film and just mess around and have fun. Thank gosh she is letting me go, that is taking place in two weeks. It'll be the only night i'm allowed to spend with Hayden, so we are gonna make the most of it. Think about if you had an ultimate, mega, all time best friend. You two do everything together and have known each other for what feels like forever. Then, overnight, you move to a completely different country, away from your best friend, and you can't get in contact with your them. Then, it almost feels like you've never even met. That's how I feel right now. I haven't taken off Hayden and I's friendship bracelet yet. I'm worried that the metal washer thing is going to rust, but that is the least of my worries. "Hey." I hear from my door. I snap out of my thoughts, quickly realizing that I had been just staring at my computer, and look over to see Rebecca standing in the door frame. "Hi." I quietly said and went back to my computer. "Look," she started as she shut my door and sat on the end of my bed, "I know it's hard and I also know that being grounded sucks. I used to be grounded all the time as a kid for giving my mom attitude." "Really?" I looked at her in disbelief. Rebecca is like the kindest most caring person I know, I could never see her being rude to an adult. "Oh yeah. Like literally every month I was grounded at least 3 times. Anyways, regarding to your situation, I agree with both of you guys. I agree that you are a little young to be dating, but I think that not letting you and Hayden be around each other is a little unfair. However, i'm respecting your mothers decision. But, maybe when you are ungrounded we can go and grab dinner with some friends or something." Rebecca said as she looked at me. "Yeah, I guess. He is my best friend, and not hanging out with him is killing me, and it's only day 2. At least I get to see him on set and stuff." I tried to cheer myself up. "Exactly! You are gonna see him all the time. Except when the show has its season split. But maybe I can work some Rebecca magic and see if I can get you two a hang out." Rebecca told me with a smile. My eyes lit up. "Rebecca that would be amazing!" I reached over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Oh! I got you something. Hold on real quick." she quickly got up and walked out into the kitchen. She was making this grounded thing a lot better for me. She walked back in with a small white box. "I saw these on amazon and thought they were perfect, so I ordered them. Here ya go!" she happily handed over the white box. I opened it up and saw two chains. I looked down at it, confused. I picked up one of the chains and it was shaped like a dog tag. It was silver and had a star cut out on the bottom. I set it down and looked at the other chain. At the end of it was a star, that looked like it fit perfectly in the cut out on the dog tag. It took me a second to realize, that these were for me and Hayden. I could feel my face turning red at the thought of him. "Oh my gosh, these are so cute! Thanks Rebecca! Why did you get them though? Should I wait until his birthday to give it to him?" I asked as I admired the the necklaces. She started laughing. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I set down the necklace and brought my hands up to my face. "No you silly goose! Tomorrow is Valentine's day! I got this for you to give him tomorrow on set!" "Tomorrow is Valentine's day? Since when?" I asked in shock. How did I not know it's Valentine's day? "Since always I guess! Anyways, lunch is ready if your hungry." I nodded and neatly put the necklaces back where they were before. I set the white box on my bedside table and made my way over to my dry erase board I had with all my important things on it. I grabbed a pink marker and wrote "Valentine's Day!!! (necklaces)" on it, just so I wouldn't forget. I am so excited to see Hayden tomorrow, let's hope he likes it.

Hayden POV
  I am beyond excited to see Annie tomorrow. My dad found out about what all happened, and actually wasn't mad. He said that he loves Annie like a daughter, and thinks that we will be together in the future. He also said that he respects Mrs. Katie's decision, so we can't see each other. I was sitting in my room, thinking about how happy I am to see Annie tomorrow, and playing out exactly how it's gonna go in my head. Or at least exactly how I think it's gonna go. "Hayden!" one of my doofus brothers yelled from somewhere in the house. "Yeah?" I yelled back. "Come here. We are going to the mall." I realized it was Jimmy. "Okay." why are we going to the mall? I don't need anything. Maybe Jimmy is bored and doesn't want to go alone or something, I don't know. Whatever. I slipped on my black and white vans that were by my bed and grabbed my phone. I made my way out of my room and saw Jimmy sitting on the couch. "Why are we going the mall? I don't need anything." I said as I got closer. "I know that dumbo. We are going
to get Annie a present. Now come
on." he started heading towards the door. "Why are we getting her a present? It's not her birthday or anything. Is it a just because?" I followed him out the door and down the cement stairs. "For tomorrow." he replied back. "Well what is tomorrow?" I asked him. "It's Valentine's day, smart one! I ordered something online that Annie will love, we just gotta pick it up from the mall." he told me as we reached the parking lot. "Wait tomorrow is Valentine's day? Since when?!" I asked him as we approached the car. "Since the Egyptians made the calendar? I don't know! Just tomorrow is Valentine's day and I picked out something she will love, so let's get a move on." And with that, we climbed into the car.

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