chapter 74

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Annie POV
  I woke up and checked my phone, 1:23. My whole leg was hurting really bad right now and I wasn't sure why. It was so bad that it made me wake up at 1 in the morning. I looked down to see if there was anything putting pressure on it, and the only thing that was there was my 'cast'. I sat myself up as best as I could, wincing quietly at how bad it hurt. I felt Hayden put his hand on top of mine, so I turned over a little. "Are you okay?" He asked me quietly, but I could still hear the concern in his voice. "Yeah, i'm fine, go back to sleep." I replied back, not wanting to worry him at one something in the morning. "No you aren't, I can tell, what's wrong?" he woke up fully and sat up. "My whole leg really hurts for some reason." It almost seemed hard to think, it was so bad. "The doctor said it was gonna start getting sore and hurting around the second or third day, I will go get one of the adults so they can get you some medicine." I nodded and he got up. I thought about how much of a mess I looked like. I haven't showers in like 4 days because of my foot, and my hair has been in the same messy bun for what seems like forever. I also had on a pair of athletic shorts and one of the 8 sweatshirts that Hayden has given me. He walked back in about 10 minutes later with Matt, who was holding a water bottle and two medicine tablets. "Here you go, squirrel." he handed me the water and medicine, making me smile at the stupid nickname he had given me a long while back. "Thanks." I said as I set the water bottle down, after taking the medication. "No problem Annie. I'm gonna head back to bed, but i'll make you Mickey Mouse shaped waffles in the morning! Good?" he asked while heading out. "Better than good. Night Matt." "Night!" he called back and shut my door. "Do you think your gonna go back to sleep any time soon?" Hayden asked. I shook my head no and he got back into bed. "Then I know what we should talk about, memories. All of the memories we have together! The funny ones, the sad ones, the scary ones, the happy ones, the romantic ones, all of them!" He finished as he faced me. "Okay! Do you remember that time when we were like 10 or something and we got in that huge paint fight?" I laughed. "That's actually my home screen saver on my phone!" he laughed and showed me. I laughed at how little and cute we were. Hayden and I met when I was like 8 at the BFG premiere in LA. My friends and I were doing press handstands and Hayden came over and tried to do them with us. We instantly clicked and our parents tried to coordinate times for us to have cute little play dates every time we went to LA. "My other screen saver is that picture from that day on set when we had a cupcake war." he told me while showing me the super cute picture. "Oh my gosh, I remember that! That was so much fun! And when you got icing in your hair and you literally couldn't get it out because your hair is so thick!" We both started laughing uncontrollably. We talked about every memory we ever had together. From swimming to crying on the steps of Hayden's old LA apartment, we had too many memories to count. It also led to
is talking about the future, and how we wanted our lives to go. "I want 3 kids, two boys and a girl." I said to him. His eyes widened. "No way, me too! I don't know what their names would be though." He shrugged. "Well don't worry about that, because I have it covered. The boys will be Caleb and David, and then the girls name will be Estella." I smiled. "Wait, did you just imply that we are gonna get married and have kids?" he laughed. I thought about it. "Yeah, I guess I did." I nervously laughed. "I hope I get to marry you." Hayden grabbed my hand and looked at the ceiling. "Yeah, I hope
I get to marry you too." I responded back. "When we are older, I think we should live here." I said to him. "Yeah, either here or in Texas. Our kids would have really good opportunities here." he said back. It's so weird how we are 12 and already talking about what we want when we are married, I guess time will tell.

I woke up to the smell of bacon, and I immediately thought of Katie. How she would never eat anything from a pig in her whole entire life. I laughed and looked around to see Hayden not in here. We eventually went back to sleep around 3, after discussing everything about our futures. From what colleges to what our kids' hobbies will be, we discussed it all. "Wow, the queen is up earlier than expected this morning!" Hayden walked in with two plates of Mickey Mouse shaped waffles in hand. "YESSSS!" I said out loud and grabbed a plate from him.

We finished eating about an hour and a half ago, and we were now working on school. The only sound in the room was the sound of my pencil on the paper as I worked on an essay I had for English class. Since it was so silent, it made me jump a little when Hayden randomly started blaring 'Sweatshirt' by Jacob Sartorius. I gasped and jumped, making a line across my page, when he started signing along. "Oh my gosh Hayden that almost gave me a fricken heart attack!" I said seriously as he started laughing. "Key word, almost! You just looked too concentrated!" He laughed. I started erasing the line that went across my page. "You sure are something Summerall, you sure are something." I shook my head and laughed. "I'll take that," he 'bopped' my nose, "as a compliment."

Awweee i just love hannie!! They are just everything!
insta: @rockyourhannies
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