chapter 36

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Annie POV
"Look how stinkin cute they are!" i heard a voice say. I opened my eyes a little to see Rebecca and Matt standing in the doorway. I knew this meant it was time to get up, so i did what every smart basically teenager would do, try to go back to sleep. "We should get them up." I heard Matt reply back
to Rebecca. "I hate waking them up this early. They can sleep on the plane, but Annie is gonna be hard to wake up, she hates mornings." I tried as hard as i could to keep a straight face while i heard this conversation in front of me. I really don't want to get up though. I was all warm under my huge comforter and with Hayden's arm around me, i felt like i was sleeping on a cloud. "Guys...come on. We've got a plane to catch!" I still laid there with my eyes closed trying to block them out. I felt Hayden sit up next to me. "Annie...Annie get up!" I heard Matt say. I heard footsteps of someone walking over to my side of the bed. "Fine then!" he said while starting to tickle me. I screamed and started squirming around. "STOOOPPPPP!" i screamed while laughing. "IM UP IM UP!" i said while trying to push Matt away. He stopped and i sat up, grabbing my blankie. "Ugh it's too early!" i said while getting out of bed. "Tell me about it." Hayden said, pulling the blanket back over his body. "Get up sleepyhead we gotta get to....MARRRYYYLLAANNDD!" i said while doing jazz hands. He laughed and  got up. I grabbed my clothes for the plane, which was black leggings, a plain gray nike shirt, my purple north face jacket, and some black and white nikes. I brushed my hair and put it into two french braids before putting on my Caleb necklace and Bratayley bracelets. I brushed my teeth and put my brush into my carry on, just incase. I take one last look in the mirror, then i flip off the bathroom light. I grabbed my phone and put my charger and headphones into my carry on before lugging my suitcase and backpack into the living room. Everyone was just moping around the house like zombies considering it was 2:33. The original plan was for us to wake up around 2:20, but Rebecca's brilliant brain (note the sarcasm) decided to get us up at 2:07 instead, "just to make sure we have enough time" we're her exact words. I saw that there was pancakes and fruit on the counter, Hayley's favorite. I shook it off and sat down at my normal chair. Everyone else had joined me and we were almost done with breakfast. "Guys it's almost 3. We need to get a move on!" Rebecca said as she started collecting dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. Matt went and put the dogs in their kennels, as JoJo is taking care of them while we are gone. "Annie is your bedroom and bathroom light off?" Rebecca asked me as she turned off all the other lights. "I think so. Ill go check just incase." i got up and saw that my room light was off, but the bathroom light was on. I could've sworn I turned it off...whatever. I saw a piece of paper stuck to the window, that was for some reason open. It was a pink post-it note, like the ones i had on my desk. It had "Watching" written on it in a sloppy, yet readable, handwriting. I ripped it off and threw it away in the trash, closing the window. It's probably just Hayden trying to mess with me. Rebecca is probably in on it anyways, that's why she told me to check the bathroom. I laughed before shutting off the light and walking out. I unplugged my lamp that was on in my room and and walked out of my room. I shut the door and joined everyone else standing with their suitcases, ready to go. I grabbed my suitcase and we headed downstairs. Good gosh it was freezing, good thing I have a jacket! The rain was still coming down pretty hard, but not nearly as bad as yesterday! We stood under the covering while Matt ran out to the get the car and drive it over, so we wouldn't have to all run through the rain. He pulled up backwards so we could load or suitcases in, then we could go around and get in. "I got you guys, go get in." Mr. Jimmy said while grabbing Hayden and I's suitcases. I ran around to the door that Rebecca had opened and climbed all the way over to the other window. Hayden climbed in after me, then Rebecca after him. After a few minuets the two so called "men" got into the front. I grabbed my phone, it was 2:59 "Perfect timing! It's literally 2:59! Right on track!" Everyone laughed as we started our drive to the airport. I leaned my head against the window and started to drift asleep. "CHILLIN WITH HER HAIR TIED NO MAKE UP WITH SOME SWEAT PANTS ON!" i jolted up and looked around to see Hayden blaring the song "Sweatshirt" in my ear. Everyone else was laughing as i rolled my eyes. "We are here!" Mr. Jimmy said while getting out of the car. "Already? It feels like we have been in the car for 10 minutes!" i said as i unbuckled. "More like an hour." Rebecca said while laughing and getting out of the car. I grabbed my phone and stuck it in my jacket pocket. I walked around to the back and waited until Matt pulled out my suitcase. I saw it and grabbed it, along with my back pack that was on top. Everyone has their suitcases and now we are just waiting for Rebecca to lock the car. "Alrighty guys! Let's go!" We walked through the parking garage and into the airport. We checked in our bags and all that jazz, so now we were just sitting down and chilling out. "Let's go to Starbucks!" Hayden randomly blurted out while turning to me. "Okay. How do you have this much energy at 4 am?" i asked while grabbing my card out of the front pocket of my bag. He shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "Can we go to Starbucks? It's right there." I said pointing to the little cafe behind us. They nodded their heads. "You two can go since it's right there."
Rebecca said. "Get me a caramel macchiato!" Matt said while handing me 10 bucks. I nodded and we walked over to Starbucks. "What're you getting?" Hayden asked me as we were walking. "I don't know. I don't like coffee, so probably a vanilla bean frappe." i said while looking over at him. "Yeah i don't really like coffee either. I might get a pink drink." "What's a pink drink?" i asked, confused. "You've never had a pink drink?" he asked in disbelief. "Shoot they are closed! I forgot they aren't open at 4!" We laughed a turned back. "They are closed." I said as i sat down in the chair I was originally in. "Yeah we thought about that once you guys left. Not many coffee places are open at 4:47 am." We all laughed. "What time do they open?" Mr. Jimmy asked as i handed Matt back his 10. "OH ILL GO CHECK!" Hayden shouted as he jumped up and ran back over to the Starbucks. "He does know i can just google it right?" i asked Mr. Jimmy. "Honestly, he probably doesn't." We all laughed as Hayden came running back. "They open at 5!" I nodded and grabbed my phone. I was trying to take a picture when Hayden grabbed my phone out of my hands. "Heyyyyy!" I said while trying to grab it back. "Let's take a selfie!" he said in a girly voice. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone. I took a picture of us with the dog filter and commented "It's way too early for this" then put the time over it. Hayden and I both knew that this picture would cause drama. Kenzie and Hayden never really confirmed that they broke up to the fans. I personally don't see why, but it's none of my business. They only thing i know is that they aren't dating at the moment. It kinda sucks though, because i can't post a picture with Hayden without getting tons of hate, and vise versa. I posted the picture to my snapchat story and saved it. "Look! Starbucks is open now! Let's go let's go let's go!" Hayden jumped up like a two year old. "Okay Okay goodness gracious!" I laughed as i grabbed my card for the second time and grabbed the 10 bucks Matt was holding out for his drink. "Okay, anyways, back to our previous conversation. You've never had a pink drink?" He asked me again. "No, never. I think i've heard of it before." I said as we continued walking. "Okay well you have to try it. I know you, and you would like it. It's not super sweet, but it's sweet, and it has strawberries."
"Sounds good! I will probably get that." He nodded and i heard my phone ding. I looked down and I had a message from some random number. It said "Back to Maryland you go. Two down, one to go." What the heck does that mean? And who the heck is this? Then I remembered the pink sticky note that i found this morning. "Hey Hayden," i said as he turned around, "did you put that sticky note on my window?" " What sticky note?" he asked, looking confused. "Please just tell me if you did. I won't be mad!" I said while looking at him straight in the eye. "Annie I have no clue what you are talking about. What sticky note?" Should I tell him? I can tell him anything, right? I heard my phone ding again. I looked down and it was from the same number. "Don't." It read. I looked around to see if anyone around me was on their phone. I saw someone dressed in a suit, with a case, a hat, and glasses, look up at me then quickly stood up and walked away. "Never mind." i said. Hayden looked at me suspiciously for a second and shrugged his shoulders. Oh great.

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