chapter 76

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Hayden POV
  Annie dropped her phone into her lap and looked literally drained of all color. My smile quickly turned into a worried and concerned face. "Annie are you okay?" Her jaw was dropped and her face stayed completely still. "Annie?" Still no response. "Julianna?!" I said a little bit louder. I could hear her breathing getting heavier, louder and shakier. She blinked for the first time since hanging up the phone, and looked over at me. I reached over and put my hand on her forearm. "Annie?" I asked one more time. She started shaking her head and looking down at her phone. What the heck happened during that call, and who was it? I got off of the bed and walked around to the side that she was on. She was sitting up with her leg elevated, her other leg next to it, her hands pressed against the bed as if they were the only thing keeping her from falling back down onto the bed. I put my hands onto her shoulders, her head still shaking left to right. She was starting to tear up, and it was killing me to not even have a the smallest clue as to why. "Annie? Are you okay?" I looked straight into her eyes.

Annie POV
  Tears started flowing down my face as Hayden looked directly into my eyes. I could tell him, right? After all those texts from Martin last time, I wasn't so sure if I could. I didn't want to put ANYONES life in danger, even it was someone i've never even met before. "I-I-it-" I stuttered, trying hard to say it. Hayden pulled me into a side hug, not asking anymore questions. I was genuinely in shock, and didn't know how to act. This creepy guy, who is my half brother, who stalked me, who killed my brother, who almost killed my sister, who was put in jail, showed up at the same hospital I was at, and now is calling me? Not to mention when we came into my room and started messing with me. I took one huge deep breath before laying my head on Hayden's shoulder. No one can fix my problem unless they know what it is, so it's time to be a big girl. "Remember Martin?" I asked, my voice still a little bit shaking. I could feel him nod. "Well, you don't know the whole story about him. You don't know what happened or how it happened, but i'm ready to tell you." It was easier for me to talk, but I was still crying a bit. "Okay, whenever you feel ready, Ans." He said to me, rubbing my arm up and down like he always does to calm me down. "So, it all started the morning that we went to Maryland to see Hayley. I went to my bathroom to get ready and found a post it note on my window, and the window was open. I thought it was just you trying to mess with me, so I shut the window and tossed the note. When I asked you about it and you said you had no clue about the note, I was gonna tell you about the note I found. Then, I got a text from a random number, telling me that I couldn't tell you. They continued to send me messages and I found out that he was the person who hit Hayley. He was stalking me, and I always saw him wherever we went. He told me that I had to completely end things with you, or you and Hayley's lives would be in danger. I really really wasn't happy about it, but I was willing to if it kept you and Hayley safe. Then, that night, when the whole police thing went down, it was because he showed up at our house. They called me upstairs and I had to talk to him and the police. It turned out that he is my half brother, my dad's kid. And...and we also found out that he- he killed Caleb. He would manipulate me by saying that if I told, Hayley would die. Then he went to jail. Then a few weeks later, when we were at the hospital, he was there. He is Martin, the person that I always have nightmares about, and that's why I always had such bad dreams, because I was always dreaming about what would've happened to you and Hayley because of them. Then, while you and Matt were sleeping in the hospital room, he came in. He sat by my bed and kept messing with me, until I pressed the 'call' button and the nurse came, she made him leave. He just called me, and I just wish he would leave me alone." I explained everything to him, my voice getting a little bit tight at the end. "Oh, Annie." He held me closer as I started to cry again. "Why won't he just leave me alone? Why can't he just leave me be?" I gripped onto Hayden's shirt. "I don't know Annie, he is probably just mad that his sister is more successful, talented, and gorgeous then he will ever be." He tried to cheer me up. "Maybe, Ans, we should change your number. It would hopefully keep him away." he looked down at me. I nodded, considering that idea. He kept rubbing my arm, like always. "Don't worry, Annie. We are all here for you and we will take care of it."
He said reassuringly. I nodded, and continued to lean into Hayden's chest. It's really nice having someone who can take your mind off of literally any situation, with just one smile.

SORRY FOR A LATE UPDATE! Also, i'm starting school this week so i'm sorry if updates aren't as frequent!!
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