chapter 25

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Annie POV
" Ans...we're here. Wake up." i woke up to someone shaking me. I lift my head up to see that we were home and Hayden was shaking me. I stretched my arms out, grabbed my bag, and opened the door. I jumped out and trudged slowly upstairs with Hayden behind me. I walked in, went to my room, and threw my bag on my bed. Hayden walked in my room at threw himself onto my bed. I laughed at him and grabbed a pair of pajama shorts and a random t-shirt and went into my bathroom. I changed my clothes, took
out the bun in my hair and brushed it, brushed my teeth, and got the mascara off of my eyes. Then i walked back into
my room to see Hayden sitting on my bed staring into space. "Hayden!" i snapped in his face and he jumped. I laughed and put my clothes into the dirty clothes bin that i had in my room. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and laid down on my bed. I was texting mommy, daddy, Hayley, and my friends "Happy New Year" when Rebecca came in. "Who is sleeping where?" she asked us. "Im sleeping on the couch and Annie is sleeping in here." Hayden answered and she nodded her head. "Night bestie. Sweet dreams!" Hayden said walking out of my room. "Night Hay." i stood up and turned on my fan and off my light. I checked the time: 1:47. I plugged my phone in and started to drift to sleep. "BESTIE BESTIE GET UP!" i heard someone yell. I opened my tired eyes to see Hayden jumping on my bed and pulling the blanket off of me. I groaned and tried to pull the blanket back on top of me. He turned on the light so i grabbed my blankie over my eyes and hid my face in my pillow. "Come on come on get up!" "nooooo i want to sleep! i'm tired!!" "There is no time for sleep! Come on!" i sat up and rubbed my eyes. I checked my phone- 10:56. I had a missed call from mommy, and 4 texts from Katie, Arden, Syd, and Emma, my co-star. I grabbed my phone and blankie and headed out to the kitchen. Rebecca made pancakes and eggs. I sat down across from Hayden, and next to Rebecca. "Who wants orange juice and who wants milk?" Rebecca yelled to us. "Orange juice!"
i called out. "Milk!" Hayden yelled. i laughed and answered all of my texts. Katie was texting me and asking about Hayden, when someone grabbed my phone. "No phones at the table young lady!" Hayden was joking around with me. "Hayden give it back!" i said while trying to grab it. I got up and ran around the table and grabbed it from his hands. "Heyyyyy! You stole my phone!" Hayden said in a girly voice. I rolled my eyes and laughed while sitting down. That was a close one. Rebecca brought over our plates and we ate in silence. "Hayden your dad is coming to get you soon because you have some school to do. So does little miss Annie over here." i rolled my eyes, for the second time already this year, and kept eating. Hayden nodded his head. We finished eating, put our plates in the sink, and i started on my school. Hayden was on his phone in a chair that i had in my room while i sat on my bed and did school. Rebecca walked into my room. "Hayden your dad is just going to bring your school stuff here, then he is gonna run some errands for some collab that Rock Your Hair wants you two to do, then he'll come get you after." He nodded his head and continued doing whatever on his phone. I had already finished a week in science and was now working on English. My moms rule was that i had to do a week in at least one subject every day. I hate school.

Hayden POV
I randomly remembered the call that i over heard. I originally was going to ask Katie about it, but i decided that it would be better for me to tell Annie that i heard and see what happens. I didn't know when i wanted to though. Now? Later today? In a week? I wasn't really sure. I think i want to wait, incase things get awkward. You know, since today we would be stuck in a room doing school for most of the day.

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