chapter 13

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//skip to day that Mrs.Katie leaves//
Annie POV
The last few days hanging out with mommy was great, but now we are on the way to the airport to drop her off. Mr.Jimmy volunteered to drive her since she returned the rental car yesterday. Right now, Hayden and Mr.Jimmy were in the front, and mommy and i were in the back. I was holding her hand and leaning my head against her shoulder. "I really really don't want you to leave." i said while looking down at our hands. "I know love, and i don't want to leave either. I have to be back for Hayley though. I promise i will face time you every day and text you all day. And it won't be long until you come down for Christmas!" i nodded. It was now official that i was flying out there on the 20th and then leaving on the 27th so i can be there for Christmas and a little bit longer. We parked at the airport. Mr.Jimmy was nice enough to let me go with mommy until she had to board, then I would go back to Rebecca's while mommy went home. I hated thinking about it. We got out of the car and mommy got her luggage out of the back. "Thanks again for doing this Jimmy. It really means a lot to her, and me." "Anytime!" We walked into the airport and i refused to leave moments side while she checked in her bags and all of that. We were sitting there waiting for her flight to board. They called the 10 minuet warning to make sure everyone was at their gate in time. That's when i lost it. "Why can't you just stay here?" i asked with hot tears streaming down my face. "I wish i could...but Hayley needs me back home." "But i'm not ready to be here without you!" "Annie, if i thought you weren't ready to be a big girl and stay here with Rebecca, Matt, Jimmy, and Hayden, then i wouldn't have let you. I would've just said no to the record deal and no to the show. I know you can do it. And i'm only a call way." I couldn't even speak. By this time mommy and I were both crying, just holding hands and looking down at each other. That's when they called her flight to board. She went and said her goodbyes to Mr.Jimmy and Hayden, then she came back over to me. "I love you so much Annie. I will see you soon. Bye my love." She gave me a long hug as i cried into her chest. "Bye mommy. I love you too." and with that she walked on to her plane, turning around to blow me a kiss then kept walking. We watched her until she was gone. "Ready to head out Annie?" Mr. Jimmy asked pulling me into a hug. I just nodded and we started walking out. "Shoot. I left my phone. Here is the keys, you two go get in the car and i'll meet you once i grab it." "Okay." Hayden replied and we started walking to the car. Hayden put an arm around me and pulled me close to him while we were walking to the parking garage. "Hey, it'll be alright. Don't worry. How about we go and get ice cream." i finally smiled a little bit and nodded my head. I know he meant it in a friendly, comforting way, but to me, it was so much more than that.

Hayden POV
I could tell that Annie was really really upset about her mom leaving. I really want to know who she was talking about though on that phone call, but i could tell that now wasn't a good time. We started the car and got it who knew waited for my dad. Annie was just sitting in her seat leaning her head against the window with a few still tears on her face,  and looking outside  at the cars around us. I looked over at Annie and her tears had stopped, she was now just looking out the window with her phone in her lap. She really was gorgeous. Everyone probably has a crush on her, i remember Carson telling me one time that he thought she was really pretty. I remember trying so hard not to tell him off. At the time, it was like when you don't talk to the person, but you always feel like you two have something going on, you know? "What cha thinkin bout?" she asked me. I look over to see her looking at her phone and scrolling through something, probably instagram. "Nothin. What about you?" "Everything" she replied. I laughed and she looked at me with her twinkling brown eyes and laughed along. We finally see my dad walking through the door with his phone is his hand. "It's about time!" Annie and I say at the same time when he gets into the car. "JINX YOU OWE ME A SODA!" she screamed very fast, i could barely understand her. I look over to see her pointing at me with a completely serious look on her face. I started laughing. "What? I'm not kidding!" she said still serious. "I know your not, that's why it's funny! Your such a kid!" this time she laughed as we started to pull out. "Hey dad, can we go get ice cream?" i asked him. "Sure. Menchie's?" he replied. We both nodded and we started our long drive.

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