chapter 34

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Annie POV
I screamed and grabbed onto Jayden's arm. The lights flickered back on in a matter of seconds. I could hear the loud sound of the pounding rain outside. It now looked very dark outside, like really really dark. We all just laughed it off and continued eating our ice cream. Soon enough people started leaving so they could get home before the weather got any worse. Rebecca came and told me that it was time for us to go back to the apartment. I hugged everyone goodbye and we loaded up in the cars. Hayden and Mr. Jimmy were coming straight to our house instead of going back to theirs, then back to ours again. "Ready? 1...2," I counted down as we prepared to run, "3!!" We all made a run for our car. I almost tripped twice... I jumped as fast as i could into the back seat. "Phew!" Rebecca said as she got into the car. We all laughed as my mind was suddenly drawn towards Hayley again. Would our flight get cancelled? Or maybe delayed? Would we still be able to go? Was it raining back home? Would Hayley wake up? All of these things were just buzzing through my head. We pulled up to the apartments and parked the car. I saw that Hayden and Mr. Jimmy were already here. "Alright ladies! Are you ready?" Matt asked us. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket so it wouldn't get wet. "Yes!" Rebecca and I yelled at the same time. "Ready...set...GO!" We all jumped out the car and ran up the steps while laughing. I could barely walk i was laughing so hard. We got up the stairs to see Hayden and Mr. Jimmy waiting by the door. I'm honestly not sure why, but for some reason this made me laugh so much harder. I could barley stand i was laughing so hard. Everyone joined in with me while Rebecca was trying to unlock the door. "Does anyone here understand how hard it is to unlock a door while laughing?" Rebecca said as she finally got the door open. Our laughing had died down and now we were just kind of giggling. It was now around 6:50. "Okay so first of all we need to work out some sleeping arrangements." Rebecca said while i sat on the couch. "I CALL MY BED!" i screamed as i shot my hand up in the air. "Okay. We could set up the air mattress out here for Jimmy and Hayden?" Matt suggested. Everyone agreed. "Second of all," Rebecca started, "I was thinking we need to get up around 2:20. That'll have us leaving here around 3 and at the airport at around 4:20, which means we will be there about an hour before take off." My eyes widened. "2:20? As in AM?" i asked. "Yeah. I know it's early, but that's how it's gonna have to be." Matt replied while grabbing the air mattress out of the little closet in the laundry room. "Oh joy." i said while jokingly rolling my eyes. Matt set up the air mattress while Rebecca ordered a pizza. She came back in about 5 minuets later. "They said they aren't delivering in this weather, so i'm just gonna heat up a frozen one that we have." Everyone nodded and agreed. I went into my room and grabbed my camera. I vlogged a little earlier at the shoot and before, but not anywhere else. "Hey guys so right now we are all
just hanging out and stuff. Tomorrow morning we are flying to Maryland to see Hayley. Everyone- just please pray for her...Hayden and his dad along with Matt and Rebecca are coming with me because i know that Hayley would want them there. I'm really scared for her and upset that...this happened," i started choking on my words, "so
i' just gonna go and i will see you guys later." I shut off my camera and grabbed my phone. I knew that by the time this vlog was up, Mommy and Daddy would've told the fans. I saw that i was getting tagged in a bunch of posts. I mean of course there was the usual fact posts, fan edits, and hannie posts that i was getting tagged in, but there was A LOT more than usual. I went into instagram and saw that i was tagged in posts that said "#prayforhay". How did people know? I don't think mom and dad told them yet. I clicked on one that was a fact page and it was a picture of me and Hayley with writing on the picture. It said "There is a rumor going around that Hayley is in the hospital due to an injury, however the Bratayley family is yet to confirm or deny this rumor." Then the comment that the owner of the account left on the photo said "I'm not sure if this is true but someone please confirm soon!! #prayforhay @annieleblanc @officialybratayley" They also tagged all of our family's accounts in the picture. I went into twitter to check it and saw that the #prayforhay was trending. I ignored it for now and walked back out into the living room. "Sorry guys...had to take a vlog break!" they all laughed and we went back to our conversation. As much as i tried to distract myself, one question kept coming into my mind...Who was driving the car that hit Hayley?

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