chapter 41

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4k reads? this is a joke. you guys are flippen AMADING!! And as usual, i didn't feel like proof reading....okie dokie now on to the story....

Annie POV
  I made sure everyone was in before locking the door. "Should we move everyone into the filming room? Just since these doors lead outside?" Brennan suggested as he looked around the room. About 5 more loud bangs came from upstairs. I was really hoping that it wasn't anything bad, but that was out of the question. "That sounds like a good idea. Annie, Katie, Syd, you guys take them into the filming room, we are going to grab our phones and look around outside, try to see what's happening." Hayden said while the other two older boys nodded. "Katie, Syd, take them ill be right there." i turned back to look at my friends for a second. "You guys are not going out there! It's way way too dangerous and it's not worth it. The adults will take care of it upstairs. Please you guys don't!" i said, on the verge of tears. I know there is always a chance it's someone trying to scare us or something, but with this Martin Leblanc guy 'after' me, we can't take any chances. "Go in the room with everyone else. We will be fine Ans, i swear." Brennan said while grabbing his, Hayden, and Luke's phones off of the little table beside them. "Don't make a promise you can't keep! You guys are 12,13, and 14, if some crazy adult man is out there trying to kill us, you guys would get taken down in a heartbeat! Please don't, i've already lost Caleb and I can't loose you guys. You don't have to act all brave, let's just let the adults handle it and they will tell us what's going on. Please just don't." i was now full on crying. If there wasn't such a big chance that a deranged lunatic stranger man could be trying to break into my house, i wouldn't be as scared. "Annie go in the room. Like Brennan said, we will be fine." Luke said, opening the door. I knew they wouldn't listen. Why are boys so stubborn. I grabbed Hayden's arm before he could walk away. "Please don't Hay. I can't tell you why, but please don't. I'm just trying to keep you safe." i pleaded. I heard screaming from upstairs and this made me cry even harder. "MARTIN" i heard someone yell from upstairs. Hayden pulled me close and hugged me tight. The other two were already outside. "Annie we are literally just going around to the front to see what's happening and who is here. Nothing is going to happen. We're going to be fine. Go in the room with the others and stay in there until we knock, okay?"He asked while looking me in the eyes. "Hayden you can't go! You can talk me into a lot of things, but not letting you go! Just trust me on this one! Like I said, i can't tell you why, but please just don't. It's way too dangerous!" i said still clinging to him. "I'm going to be fine. And what can't you tell me?" he looked at me with questioning eyes. "You coming?" Luke asked Hayden from the door. Hayden nodded and pulled away from me. I stood there, still, while the screaming continued upstairs. I heard sirens coming from outside. He turned around and walked out the door, shutting it. Oh him and I were gonna have a word alone when he is done being stupid. I paced around the room. Why is this happening to me? I heard someone's loud footsteps coming downstairs. I jumped behind the couch and made sure to stay quiet. "Annie?" i heard the person say. I laid low, just incase. "Annie it's Aunt Melissa. Come upstairs with me." i stood up and looked at her. I still had tears streaming down my face. I followed her upstairs and into the living room. On one couch was two police officers, and the Martin guy. I tense up a little, but follow Aunt Melissa to the other couch. My dad was sitting on the couch that Aunt Melissa was leading me to. I sat in between my dad and Aunt Melissa, directly across from the Martin guy. "Do you know who this is?" one of the officers asked me. I shook my head, and Martin smirked. "Annie, we need you to tell the truth." my dad said while looking over at me. I nodded my head, while looking down. I felt uneasy, like i was gonna throw up. "Has he been in any contact with you? Physical or through technology?" the same officer asked. I nodded my head, while still looking down. "Can you tell us what happened?" the other officer asked, pulling out a notepad. I took a deep breath before starting, "Early, early this morning, i found a note in my bathroom. I thought it was just my friend trying to mess with me so i just threw it away. Then a random number started texting me and they said something about 'two down and one to go'. Then i noticed that this one person walked away really fast when i made eye contact with them. Then i kept seeing the same person, and kept getting texts. He told me not to tell anyone. Then at dinner earlier, i saw him. When he left, i read the name on the receipt and saw that he had my last name. That's it." i completed. "The neighbors heard a bunch of screaming and called us," the officer on the right said, "they have also reported seeing someone creeping around the outside of your home with a camera. Do you have any reason to believe it was Martin over here?" I nodded my head and the room went silent. "Can you list any?" the officer on the left finally said. "Well i saw him with a camera before, at the airport." i responded. The officer  continued scribbling words into the note pad. "Could you show us the messages?" Aunt Melissa asked. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and clicked on the messages. I showed them to the officers and they were taking pictures of them for evidence, im guessing. They sat there, studying the messages, while Martin just stared at me. A few more moments of silence passed as i messed with the ends of my hair. "Mr. Leblanc, although this might be a little surprising and confusing to all of us, it appears that Martin is the one who hit your daughter, and who killed your son." my face went white and my eyes went wide. "Huh?" my dad spoke out in disbelief. What is happening?

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