chapter 56

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Special announcement that some of you may like at bottom! Make sure to check it out!!
Annie POV
   This is just fantastic. Instagram was full of the picture of Hayden and I holding hands, and people noticing the bracelets. The bracelets didn't really matter as much to me as the picture of us holding hands considering that we chose to wear the bracelets. If mommy or daddy saw this, they would freak. What if Mr. Jimmy sees? Would he not allow Hayden and I to hang out either? Ugh this is like a tornado of thoughts in my head right now, and I am not liking it. I heard my phone go off again, and grabbed it to see who it was. The screen read: Mr. Jimmy💞💗- Do you still have Hayden's phone? He said you were holding it last night and he forgot to get it back. Also, we are picking you up and we're gonna head to the beach. If you have the phone, just bring it then. I smiled at the fact that Hayden and I get to hang out today, but it faded when all the thoughts flooded back into my head. I texted home back: Yeah I have it in my bag. Okay! What time? I might as well take this time
to start getting ready. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a colorful halter-top swimsuit too and matching bottoms. I threw it onto my bed and grabbed out some pink shorts and a rainbow ombré shirt that says 'dreamer' on it. I heard my phone ding again, and assumed it was Mr. Jimmy. I was right. He said: Mr. Jimmy💞💗- Awesome! And we're gonna be there around 12. Let Rebecca know. See you soon daughter! He has called me daughter since I met him, and I called him dad. It's kind our thing. I checked the time, 11:03. Perfect. Alrighty! See you soon dad! I texted him back. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some pink and navy striped flip flops from target and threw them on top of my clothes. I looked in my full body mirror that was perched on my wall. "Oh my." I said out loud. My curls were now more like frizz, and my bun looked like someone had run it over with a bus 4 times. I'll probably put it in a bun or something, then shower after. I walked out to see Rebecca opening a box of doughnuts. YESSS! "Mr. Jimmy said he will be here around 12 to get us." I told her. "Okay. Eat up then go get changed, I have sunscreen packed already." I nodded my head and sat down at the table. "Where is Matt?" I asked her as I grabbed a doughnut and put it on my plate. "He is at a meeting with his manager right now, he's gonna meet us at the beach in a little bit. And I saw that picture on Instagram, are you and Hayden dating?" she asked me while raising her eyebrows. "What picture?" I tried to cover up. "You haven't seen it? There is no way you haven't seen it yet. It's literally all over the internet!" she said while pulling up instagram on her phone. "Fine. I saw it. No we aren't dating, but we both know that we like each other and we hold hands and hug and stuff, but we can't date because i'm not allowed. My parents said I can't date until i'm 14." i explained it all to her. I debated whether or not I should tell her about how we kissed, more than once. I decided to wait and tell her, just to be safe. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm gonna tell her at all. "Oh, I see. Oh that reminds me, Jojo wants you to do a collab with her soon, if you want." she said while grabbing a doughnut. "Yeah, that sounds awesome! Just let me know when." i replied. She nodded her head and we continued eating in silence. I finished my doughnut and placed my plate into the sink. "I'm gonna go get changed." Is aid as I walked back into my room. I closed my door and changed into my swimsuit, then put my clothes over it. Now, it's time to take on my hair. My hair literally could be a battle, that's how bad it was. I grabbed some de-tangler and my brush and got to work. It probably took me a total of 15 minuets just to brush my hair. I flipped my head over and pulled it into a high pony. I was just about to tie in the ponytail when i heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I called, not paying attention to who the person was. "Aye bestie!" I instantly knew who it was. "Hey Hayden. Your here early." I replied as I flipped my head up and admired my pretty close to perfect ponytail. "Eh not really. It's 11:50." he said as he sat on my bed. "Oh. I lost track of time. Your phone is in my clutch, which should be on the shelf thing right by my door." I saw him get up and walk over to it. I finished my bun by tying it tight with my blue hair tie (😉😉) and walked out of the bathroom. "Woah have you seen th-" he started. "Yes. I have. It's all over instagram." I said, cutting him off. "Who even got this picture? No one was around us." he said while looking closer at the photo. "It looks like it's from the background of someone's snapchat story, but the ones I saw had the name cropped out." I said while putting on my thumbprint necklace and best friend bracelet. I noticed that Hayden had his on too. "Whatever, let's just forget about it and have a fun beach day." he said as he shut his phone off. "I guess your right. Now come on, let's go." I said as I grabbed my phone. We walked out my room and I shut off my light. It's so weird how it's the beginning of February and I'm
going to the beach. Back home, it's normally freezing around this time! I hope we can just make today a fun beach day.

Thanks for reading! So I am teaming up with evewritesxx  and some other people to bring a really cool book to you guys! It's about seven teens who all live in different places. They all have only one thing in common, youtube. With all these crazy fan girls who basically live for shipping them, they may meet up! There are seven characters, written by seven different people.

I will be writing for Annie!! In this book, she is a 17 (almost 18) year old dancer who used to do gymnastics. Caleb is her older brother, and Hayley is her little sister. They are a super tight family, but Caleb and Annie are closer than Annie and Hayley. Annie lives in a state that not many people are familiar with, Louisiana. (i moved her for more interesting content) She is independent and likes to do things on her own. She doesn't need any help, or so she thinks. She can be serious and even a little sassy, but is really a huge goofball! To find out more, make sure to take a look at the book "Groupchat" by evewritesxx You may be able to even write for a character, if you hurry! More info to come!!! See you guys tomorrow!

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