chapter 33

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Annie POV
We just pulled into the parking lot of the apartments. "Can you come up with me?" i turned and asked Hayden. "Did you think i wasn't going to already?" he asked while laughing. i shrugged my shoulders and got out of the car. Hayden and Mr.Jimmy followed close behind me as i ran up the stairs. I really really wanted to see what the soonest flight was. I wanted to go now, but i knew that wasn't a choice. I ran into the apartment to see Rebecca and Matt on the computer. I walked over to them and looked at the screen. The next flight to Maryland was tomorrow at 5:45 am. "Come here." Rebecca opened her arms as she noticed i was there. I hugged her and burst into tears. This was scary stuff. I had already lost one of my siblings, and i can't even imagine losing another. Hayley is my all time best friend. More than Katie, more than Jayden, more than Hayden. I let go of Rebecca and saw that Hayden was tearing up too. Hayley was like his little sister, and i know Hayley loves him like a brother. I looked at the computer. "Can you guys come with me when I go?" i asked looking around the room. Even though all my friends and family would be there, these people are all like my second family. Plus, i know Hayley would want them all to be there. "Who?" Rebecca asked. "All of you." "I think we can make that happen." Mr. Jimmy said while hugging me. "We already bought our tickets!" Rebecca said while laughing. I gave Rebecca my card and she bought my ticket. Hayden and Mr. Jimmy are gonna buy their tickets when they get back to their house. "How long are we gonna stay with her?" I asked Rebecca. "Well we have to be back for the 'Super Six' premier next week." Hayden answered. Shoot. I forgot about that. "I didn't think about that." i said while messing with the ends of my hair. "Don't worry hun. We will work it out. Why don't we all get packing?" Rebecca suggested. I nodded my head and hugged Hayden and Mr. Jimmy goodbye before heading to my room
to start packing. I didn't think i would ever be upset to go back to Maryland. I was glad to go and see my friends, family, and everyone, but i was upset because my sister is on life support. I put on some music and started packing. Hayley and I had a playlist that i made on my phone, called 'Sista Sista👭💁' that had ALL of our favorite songs on it. We played it when we were on the trampoline, hanging out together, or even on planes or long car rides. I clicked on it and let it play. I had almost finished packing, i just needed to pack my blankie and school stuff. I already had a toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, you know all that stuff, at home. The song "Little Do You Know" came on. That is Hayley and I's all time favorite song. My eyes started to water and i laid down on my bed. Why does all of this stuff happen to me? I laid there and listened the song, thinking about my all time favorite memories with Hayley. The song ended and now "Baby" by Justin Bieber was playing. (A/N have you guys caught onto the fact that i love Justin Bieber yet??😂) Right now, it was only 4:47. The shoot took a while. Rebecca came into my room while I was just scrolling through my phone. "Hey Ans. Hayden and Jimmy are gonna spend the night so we can all get up and go in the morning. We were also thinking about a little cheer up trip to up for it?" she looked at me with hopeful eyes. I really didn't feel like going anywhere or doing anything right now, but even i knew that hanging out with my second family while eating ice cream would help cheer me up a little. I smiled and nodded before getting up out of my bed. I put on jean shorts, a white shirt with a pineapple on it that says 'aloha', and some black and white vans. I left my hair down, since it was still kinda curly, and wiped all of the makeup from the shoot off of my face. I just put on mascara and EOS before walking out to the living room. "You ready?" Matt asked me while grabbing his phone. "Yea-oh wait!" i ran into my
room and grabbed my phone. "Okay! Now i am ready!" he laughed and we walked down the stairs. "Are we gonna walk or drive?" i asked while turning and looking at Rebecca. "The sky looks kinda dark," she responded, "so we should probably drive. Just to be safe." we agreed and got into the car. We drove the short 2 minuet drive to scoops, and walked inside. Well, more like ran, because it was starting to rain. I got inside and saw Brooke, Jayden, JoJo, Carson, and Hayden all inside. She didn't tell me that they were all
gonna be here! I smiled REAAALLLYY big and ran over to hug everyone. It was good to know that i had 5 AWESOME besties who cares about me. We ordered our ice cream and sat down. All of us  sat at this big circular table, while the adults sat at a booth that was a few tables away from us. I sat in between JoJo and Jayden, with Carson next to JoJo and Brooke next to Jayden, then Hayden in between Brooke and Carson (he was basically across from me). We were all laughing and goofing around, when the power went out. From this moment, I knew, this was gonna be a long night....

It Can't Be//completedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ