chapter 68

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Annie POV
I sat up groggily as I checked the time. 3:09 am the clock read. I groaned as I laid back down and tried to go to sleep. I just closed my eyes and thought about things. What is Hayden doing? Who called him and told him to
come? Why is my work such a big deal to my mom? How is Hayley feeling right now? Who else is awake? These thoughts led to me remembering where my phone is hidden. An idea popped into my head. I can grab my crutches, sneak out, grab my phone, and see if anyone is awake. My crutches are pretty noisy, so this will be a challenge. I sat up from my position on the bed and reached over to grab my crutches. Once I grabbed them, I balanced myself before starting to crutch into the living room. My main goal here, is to stay quiet. I quietly crutched up to the TV stand and pulled open the drawer. That's when I saw it. The most glorious, beautiful, thing in the entire world: my phone. (A/N if this ain't me😂) I smiled to myself before balancing and grabbing my phone with my free hand. I tucked it into my waistband and crutched back into my room. It felt so weird! The last time I had my phone was last month! After further discussion, my mom decided that I don't need my phone on set, so I got it taken away then too. I set down my crutches before getting in bed and elevating my foot. I grabbed my iphone and used the thumbprint to unlock it. I had a bunch of snapchats, texts, missed calls, and notifications from apps. Hayden is keeping my streaks and probably posting on my story, so that's good. I went straight to messages and looked at all the messages from people. I had some from Jayden, some from Emma, some from Carson, some from Katie, some from Brennan, some from Luke, some from Daddy, some from JoJo, some from MK, some from my aunt, and some from Hayden. I clicked on Hayden's and looked through the messages. He texted me good morning and goodnight every day, even though he knew I didn't have my phone. I smiled down at my phone and texted him. hey hay are you still awake? I texted. I honestly doubt he is awake this late, he is always tired. I heard my phone ding, and grabbed it from
my side. Hayden😊💞- this Annie or Rebecca? Is everything okay? I smiled down at him. I loved how he always wanted to make sure I was okay, it's so cute! It's Annie. I woke up and found my phone. I responded back. Wanna facet- I began to type, but he facetimed me before I could even type. I quickly answered it then grabbed my headphones from my bedside table. "Annie, are you crazy? You've already gotten in so much trouble, are you asking to get into more? And it's really late, you need to go to bed!" he told me, very concerned. "Hayden calm down, I woke up and can't go back to sleep. And, I won't get in trouble because no one will know. I'm gonna hide it back later and no one will know." I explained to him. "You got up? Annie you know you aren't supposed to get out of bed unless an adult is there! You could hurt yourself worse!" he freaked out. "Okay, but I didn't. Ill be fine Hayden, I promise. Anyways, whatcha doing?" I asked him as I messed with my phone case. "Nothing, just face timing you. When on Monday do you have to get surgery?" He changed the topic back to my ankle. "My surgery is set for 5:45, but it could easily be earlier or later than that, so we have to be there at 4:30." I explained to him. He nodded his head and kept looking at me through the camera. "I'm scared." I told him. I've never had a surgery before, but I sure have seen movies and TV shows like that and it looks really scary. "Don't be scared, it's gonna be just fine. All of the doctors know what they are doing and it's gonna go smoothly." he tried to reassure me. I tried my best to
convince myself he is right. "They said the procedure could take anywhere from 30 minuets to an hour." I told him. He nodded and changed the topic. We talked for a good 20 minutes when I decided to set my phone up so I could
lay down comfortably and talk to him. I set it up on my bedside table and adjusted myself before going back
to talk to him.  We talked about set, and school, and just life in general. Eventually, I could feel myself starting to fall asleep again. I closed my eyes and listened to Hayden's voice, talking about a book he has to read for school, and felt myself drifting asleep.

Hayden POV
   I looked down at the camera to see Annie asleep. "I knew that would work!" i whispered before hanging up the phone so her battery wouldn't get wasted. I made up some story about some book I had to read for school because I knew that it would make Annie fall asleep. I really hope her mom lets me see her the day of her surgery. She is really nervous about it, and I feel bad for her. I hit the home button, exiting out of facetime, to see my adorable home screen saver. It's a picture of Annie and I covered in paint from when we were about 10. I've known Annie since I was 9 and she was 8. I know, it's been a while. I laughed at the picture and shut off my phone, looking at my lock screen one more time. It's a picture of Annie and I from set one day. We were looking at each other and we both had frosting all over our faces from cupcakes that we got from craft services. Annie was laughing and looking ahead, while I was smiling and looking at her. I smiled a huge smile before shutting off my phone for good and going to bed.

Ahhhh they are only in Hawaii for another day!! They leave tomorrow (the 31st) and i'm so fricken mad! I have seen rumors that they are going back to LA after CVX though! Also, Annie's music video should be ASAP, which is AMADING! Hayden is in it and i'm so excited! Also, Rock Your Hair is holding a contest, where you could win a souvenir necklace just like the ones that Annie and Hayden and them have. They are really cool necklaces, so you should definitely go check that out!!

insta: @upandoutleblanc

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