chapter 35

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Annie POV
I grabbed my blankie and walked into my room trying to stay as quiet as possible. Everyone else fell asleep on the couch while watching "La La Land". I creeped into my room and made sure the door was silently closed before turning on my light. It was 11:07, so i had a little bit of time to sleep. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on some pajamas before crawling into bed. The rain was still really really loud outside. I plugged in my phone and noticed that my camera was on my bed side table. I grabbed it and started vlogging. "Hey guys, so everyone else is asleep and i just moved from the couch into my room so i can head to bed since we have a very early morning tomorrow. So I know that i kinda stopped answering the question of the day since I am usually busy all day then get home and go straight to bed, but today i'm gonna answer it. So the question of the day is what is one thing you would change about yourself if you i would probably say i would want a mermaid tail... yeah. Or wings. Wings would be cool. Okay so don't forget to comment down below cause we wanna know the question of the day iiisssss.... what is one thing you would change about yourself if you could? Bye guys i'll see you tomorrow!" i shut of the camera. I would normally send Daddy my footage at night, but what's the point since its late and i'm gonna see them tomorrow anyways? I went ahead and put my camera into my carry on so i won't forget it in the morning. The rain was getting worse, and the thunder sounded like it was getting louder. I told myself that I wasn't gonna cry this time. I went back over to my carry on and grabbed my headphones out of it. I plugged them into my phone and laid down. I put on a Liza Koshy youtube video and turned it up all the way. I knew it would be hard for me to sleep like this, but it seemed to be the only way to keep the thunder out of my ears. I was starting to drift to sleep when I heard a HUGE bang of thunder. I jumped up and screamed. Oh great, i probably just woke up everyone in the house. I put my head in my hands as i heard someone open my door. I looked up and saw Hayden.

Hayden POV
I woke up to someone talking. I looked around and saw that Annie's room light was on. She must be vlogging. I check my phone and see it says 11:10. I plug my phone into my charger that was by the window and lay back down. I was almost asleep when i heard a loud bang, probably thunder, then a scream. It took me a second to realize it was Annie who screamed. I look around to see everyone else still asleep. I get up and go into Annie's room. I open the door to see her with her head in her hands. She looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. I quietly closed the door behind me and jumped into the bed.

Annie POV
Hayden put his arm around me as i just sat there with my head down. I cry way too much. I'm such a little crybaby, even the littlest things make me cry. Like thunder. The rain was still very loud outside my window. BANG! I jumped again as another huge sound filled the house. This caused Hayden to tighten his grip on me. It wasn't a hurtful grip though, it was a comforting grip. I felt like i never wanted him to let go. The thing that i loved the most about Hayden, is how much he reminds me of Caleb. He is the first boy that i felt like I could openly talk to and be friends with. Of course he will never be Caleb or replace that hole in my heart, and I know that, but he is comforting, funny, kind, everything that Caleb was. I laid my head on Hayden's shoulder while i was thinking about all of this stuff. My mind started floating back to Hayley. How did she not see the car coming? How did the car not see her? Did the person mean to hit her? Was it an accident? Was it a boy or a girl? I shut my eyes and continued to ask myself all of these questions as i starting drifting to sleep. Will she be able to hear us talking in the hospital? Will she know i'm there? What if she doesn't remember me? What if...she doesn't make it? All of these "Will she" and "What if" questions buzzed around my mind until i finally fell asleep.

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