Coming Clean

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Marco nearly choked himself.

Janna's words were slowly destructing his thought process. Heart pounding, he stumbled away from Janna slowly. He wasn't surprised when Janna didn't try to stop him or anything. She knew how he'd react to such news. She knew he needed time to think and god knows she did not want to be apart of any tiny breakdown or major realization Marco was having.

Marco sat in a small, isolated corner he had discovered when his bullies would chase him around. It was his own personal escape and think area and it was thankfully hidden from the rest of the school.

Homeless. Star's homeless.

Marco tried processing the thought. He wondered how oblivious he could be to not notice any signs. The girl that saved him needed to be saved. He owed her this. Marco was already thinking of some elaborate plan. He needed to convince his parents to let Star crash at their home for the next three maybe two years. Okay...maybe not that long, but still. He needed to figure out what he was going to tell Star, or in better words, how he was going to tell Star. Marco knew that a "Hey Star! You're going to live with me for the next few days...maybe years," was most definitely not appropriate. He was totally aware that he could creep her out and was piecing together how not to.

Marco felt his heart ache and he grabbed at his chest. He continued to wonder how he didn't realize anything. As soon as he stood up, he regretted it instantly. Marco had come face to face with Jackie Lynn Thomas. Now his heart ached even more, but for a completely different reason.

"Marco??" Jackie stared at him, obviously confused.

"Hey Jackie," Marco straightened himself out and wiped his jeans. You look like a mess dammit.

This was wrong and he knew it. He was just stressing over Star and now he was trying to cover up all that just to impress Jackie. This wasn't fair to Star and he knew it, but Marco felt glued to the ground. It felt like a fight against his own brain and heart.

"What's up?" She flashed him a chill smile that almost sent Marco melting into the ground.

"I...uh..." Say something! "Just standing here." Wow, that was terrible.

"Okay. Well, see ya!" And with that, Jackie Lynn Thomas rode her skateboard away from Marco's life.

Marco wiped the sweat off his forehead. He tried not to overthink what had just happened with Jackie and went to look for Star.


Marco looked everywhere for Star. He didn't stop for a break even when he reached the two hour mark. It was getting late and god knows what his parents were thinking. He told Alfonzo to let them know he had a "meeting" after school, but Marco didn't know how long that lie would last. He sighed, not ready to give up even though he knew he should. Then he heard a small voice from behind him.


It was Star. After a couple of hours of searching for her, she had found him. Sorta like how she found him hanging out of his bedroom window. His heart skipped a beat as he turned around.

"Star!" He pulled her into a hug.

Star was surprised by this but she happily hugged him back.

"Is everything okay?" Star asked him, puzzled.

"No--I mean I just needed you right now," Marco blurted out without thought.

Star felt blood rush to her cheeks as she let go of him.

"I mean I needed you to stay over tonight. At my house, it's an emergency." Marco corrected himself. what? Now what are you going to say?

"An emergency?? What happened? Oh my gosh Marco! Are you okay?"

"I just need a friend." Okay, so this was partially true. Marco did need a friend and he felt right not completely lying to her.

"Okay, yeah sure. Of course." Star nodded and Marco instantly noticed the sympathy in her eyes.

Marco was glad he had a friend that wouldn't suffocate him with questions after he said something like that. Star and him walked to his house in silence and Marco appreciated it. He needed time to really think about what he would say to Star. After all, this wasn't about him. He needed to come clean to Star about what he knew, but was afraid he would say something at the wrong time. Arriving to his house, he quickly informed Star about the "meeting" lie so she can go along with it. She nodded as they walked in.

"Marco!!" The young teen was ambushed with hugs from his mother and father.

"Guys, I'm okay. I told you I had a meeting, remember??" Marco noticed Star's gentle smile from behind him. "Star's staying over, if that's okay. We have a project together we need to do over the weekend." Wow. Two lies in one day to my parents. Ouch.

"Aye! Mijo, of course it's okay. She can stay in the guest room." Mrs. Diaz greeted Star with a hug and offered her food.


Marco was grateful for his parents and how they treated Star like one of their own. He was sitting with her on his bed now, talking about how crappy school had been for him. He really enjoyed her company and how she listened without cutting him off like everyone else did. Marco didn't mean to, but he told her about Jackie too. In this moment he felt like he could tell her everything and he wanted to.

Remember about Star.

"Star...Janna told me."

It was time to come clean.


I PROMISED YOU GUYS A LONG CHAPTER WOOP WOOP! Hope you guys enjoyed this one ;) Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

˜ Janell <3

Homeless (A Starco Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora