Rude Awakening

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Marco's POV
She kissed me. I couldn't believe she kissed me. What was even more confusing was that I liked it. A lot. After Star had let go of my face, I had to blink a few times to realize what was going on.
"That was amazing." I spewed out, flushed.
I wasn't lying. My first kiss was better than I had imagined it would be.
"It was a mistake.." Star mumbled quietly, making my heart sink.
" you don't like me?" I asked my best friend, expecting the worst. It's good to expect the worst. It keeps your hopes down so you don't get heartbroken more than you have to.
"No! No, of course I like you! It's just tha—that you don't like me. You love Jackie Lynn Thomas, remember?" Star sat in front of me, looking down.
"I remember." I nodded. "But I've been feeling these new feelings and they're for you. I can't really explain how I feel about Jackie anymore, all I know is that it's a pretty hopeless case." I chuckled to myself. "Star, I like you."
Star turned bright red. She met my eyes, "Really?"
"Yeah. I seriously do." I rubbed my arm, embracing the new feelings that had just started to overcome me. I had never been in a relationship before and, not gonna lie, I was nervous I would screw things up. I tapped the floor next to me, letting the quietness between Star and I take over.
"Marco?" Star broke the quiet. "How can I know that you're over Jackie?"
"I can show you." I blurted. What was I going to show her? Graphs about how my love for Jackie had an exponential decrease over the past few months? No way.
"How?" Star crossed her arms.
I moved myself closer to her and wrapped my hands around her wrists, causing her to uncross her arms. Star was trying to meet my eyes, but I was too fixated on her lips to focus on them.
"You're the one Star." I muttered against her mouth and I noticed her shiver slightly. "Not Jackie." I continued.
Star was a hot mess. She didn't understand what Marco was doing to her, but she knew she couldn't get enough of it and she craved more. Her heart was racing and her wrists were tingling at Marco's soft touch. Star's eyes followed his gaze and realized that they were on her lips.
"You're the one Star. Not Jackie." Marco muttered against her mouth.

She flushed a deep shade of pink, waiting for him to make his move. When Star finally felt Marco kiss her, she couldn't help but feel like flying again. The way he led the kiss was too good to put into words. She let her hands grasp his face and then decided to wrap her arms around his neck to close the gap between them. Was this actually happening? Star couldn't see it, but she felt it and it was magical.
"Star..." Marco said in between kisses. He noticed her hearts were glowing white and he thought he should tell her.
Star barely opened her eyes. She looked at him, "What?"
"Your hearts...they're glowing." Marco brought his hands up to her face and touched her cheeks gently.
"Oh..." Star noticed the glow and frowned, "I don't know what that means."
"It must mean you really like me." Marco said assuringly, smiling to himself.
"A-huh. You're a genius." Star kept her arms wrapped around him.
"We should get some rest." Marco pulled Star close to himself. "We had a pretty long day."
"Yeah...we did. You're right." Star put her hands on Marco's shoulders and smiled. "Walk me to my room?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes.
"Sure." Marco let go of her and stood up, offering his hand.
Star took it and stood up. She headed out of Marco's room and towards her own.
"Star," She heard Marco call out to her softly. Star suddenly felt her eyelids get heavy.
"Star," Marco called out again, a little louder this time.
"Huh...?" Star rubbed her eyes, a little confused. She looked around for Marco but couldn't find him. Everything was fading to darkness.
Star's eyes snapped open. "Wha—what?"
She suddenly felt sharp pains all around her stomach and ribs. Her eyes were still heavy.
"Oh, thank god!" Marco was leaning over her. "I was seriously getting worried."
"What's going on?" Star croaked, utterly confused. She realized she was still in the castle and that Marco just woke her up from an incredibly nice dream. A dream where she finally got to kiss her best friend and he reciprocated her feelings. Dang it! It was so realistic too...
"Toffee knocked you out but don't worry, I saved your wand. You really took a blow though, you've been out for almost an hour!" Marco was sweating. It looked like he had a rough hour as well.
Star missed his touch. She wondered if she could miss something (that she just realized) never existed. Of course kissing Marco was in her imagination. It was just too good to be true. Star attempted to sit up, but she failed and winced.
"I-I thought I defeated Toffee." Star closed her eyes.
"No," Marco shook his head sadly. "No you didn't. I assume that's what you dreamed about?"
Star nodded, sighing. She seriously missed Marco in that way.
"Can you tell me exactly what happened?" Star asked and continued to wince in pain.
"Well...after you roasted Toffee about his finger, he started to glow and then he floated up in the air and, like, mega punched you. When I ran to you, you were totally knocked out. I was so scared. How're you feeling anyways?"
"Tired. Sad. In my dream I defeated Toffee and we got back home. It was nice."
"It sounds nice." Marco placed his hands on his thighs, thinking. "Too bad we have no way of going back home."
"That's not true. Toffee had these magical scissors, that's how he brought you here. We have to get to Toffee."
"What?! He's stupidly dangerous! Look what he did to you!"
"Well, duh. I sorta wanna get home though and if finding Toffee is what it's gonna take, then fine I'll do it." Star sat up again and shakily stood up, her knees almost buckling.
"Help support me."
Marco sighed and grabbed Star's arm, wrapping it around his shoulders. He wrapped his other arm around her waist and the two began walking around the castle.
"What if we have to crash here for a few days?" Marco questioned curiously.
"Crash here..?" Star looked at him weirdly. "What's that?"
"Oh..It means sleep here."
"Oh. Then we sleep here." Star shrugged.
"We should probably do that now and then continue the search in the morning. You look pretty beaten up." Marco couldn't not look at the bruises on Star's face that were starting to form.
"You do too." Star tried to ignore the tingly feeling of Marco's hand on her waist.
"There has to be a room around here somewhere..." Marco found a staircase and he headed up it with Star. A series of doors appeared at the top.
"One of these has to have some beds!" Marco exclaimed, letting go of Star to run and open each door. Star steadied herself on the railing of the stairs. After the 14th door, Marco finally found a room.
"Found one! Only problem is there's one bed." He walked over to Star and helped her over to the room.
"That's a problem?" Star muttered to herself.
"Nothing! It shouldn't be a huge deal. As long as we get rest, that's all that matters."
"True." Marco nodded, walking into the room and closing the door behind them. He brought Star to the bed and sat her down.
"Nice," Star slid her hands around the bedsheets, feeling the soft velvet material. She laid back and brought her legs up on the bed.
Marco laid beside her, staring at the ceiling.
"My mom must be freaking out."
"Don't know the feeling."
Marco frowned.
"Sorry, that was emo." Star chuckled and looked at Marco, "how bad do I look?"
Marco looked at her, "You look great." He smiled.
Star looked away to hide her blush. Damn stupid Diaz. She felt herself drift off into a deep sleep.
Authors Note:
The amount of attention my story is getting is insaaaaane. bless all of y'all :) <3
I'm shocked I've reached over 600 notes! Seriously love you guys 😘
Also I apologize to anyone who got their hopes up that Marco and Star had finally kissed. Ya thought!!! ;)

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