A Different Reality

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Marco could barely attach words into sentences, nor could he feel himself breathing or blinking any longer. He stumbled over himself and everything went to black as he questioned the reality of his own perception of the world around him. Magical powers? Impossible.
"Marco...Marco...Marco Díaz!"
Marco heard a ringing noise in his ears and he imagined he had crashed Jackie's skateboard and suffered some major concussion that made him have the strangest vision. He imagined something to do with narwhals and Star and bright rainbow lights. But when Marco opened his eyes and saw Star hovering above him with a look of worry in her eyes, he wondered how quickly the news of him crashing in the skate park had traveled and how many hours it had been since he knocked out.

"How embarrassing was it?" He croaked.

"How embarrassing was what?" Star replied and he could tell she was relieved that he seemed okay.

"How embarrassing was me crashing? Did I break Jackie's skateboard? Where is Jackie?"

"Marco...we aren't at the skate park. You didn't crash anything you just passed out."

It took Marco a few moments to process everything he had forgotten and when the memories came flooding back into his brain he winced as he opened his eyes.
Was all that he could manage to say after remembering the flying narwhals and bright colors flashing from inside the forest. All that he could say after remembering seeing his friend holding a wand and chanting things.

"What do you remember?" Star asked quietly. She seemed nervous to Marco and she looked as if she had just done something really really bad.

"Are you a wizard?" Marco held his head as he sat up. "Are the Harry Potter books nonfiction to you?"

"God," Star rolled her eyes. "Definitely not." She slouched and frowned. "I wanted to tell you sooner Marco."

"Why didn't you?"

"I was afraid you would abandon me or something."

"No, I'm sad you think I would do something like that."

"So...you aren't scared of me?" Star asked timidly.

"I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of what I don't know about you." Marco said simply. He was surprised by how nonchalant he was acting towards this whole situation. He imagined himself to be more of a pee-in-his-pants type of guy. Maybe it was because of all the sci-fi books he's read or maybe it was all the Greek mythology he was currently studying in English class. Or maybe he had fallen so hard at the skate park that it ruined and replaced his take on the normalcy of his life with this new sense of normalcy (the one where magical beings and giant spell books exist). Nonetheless, he wasn't lying about wanting to know more about this whole situation and his expression and reaction towards everything at first was passing out so maybe he wasn't as nonchalant as he thought.

"I'm really surprised on how you're acting right now. Usually—any regular person—would scream and run for their lives. You just passed out and woke up all chill!" Star stood up and offered him a hand. "Cmon, lets go home."

Marco took her hand without hesitation and stood up. There was something about Star that made him trust her so easily. In fact, when he thought about it, he took Star in without a second thought when he found out she didn't have a home (or family in that matter). Now, any regular person would believe this was just a sign of kindness and sympathy, but for Marco it was something different. Star was his closest friend and he came to realize that he didn't want to lose her as much as she didn't want to lose him when he had found out about her powers. Even though her powers freaked him out, he wanted to understand them—to understand her.
"Mega Starfish Tsunami!" Star pointed her wand at a random wall in Marco's room.

"Wait! No! Star maybe that isn't—" Marco shrieked as a wave of water and starfishes blasted over him and hit his bedroom wall.

"Sorry Marco!" Star chuckled like a five year old, excited to show someone other than Janna her powers (even though Janna never really saw them and instead only saw glimpses of Star's wand). She was beyond excited to show Marco, her best friend, something she had to hide from him for months.

Marco detached the starfish from his face and looked at Star, "As much as I'm angry right now, I gotta admit that was fricken cool. How long have you had that thing?" He eyed her purple colored wand with wings on the side.

"What?" Star followed his gaze to the wand in her hands, "Oh, this thing! I think I've had it forever but it was locked away in this box with some magical permanent kid-proof lock on it. The box opened about a year ago when I turned fourteen. You have no idea how many things I used to try and open that dumb box. I couldn't help my curiosity I guess."

"I would be curious too," Marco sat down on his bed and slicked his wet hair back.

"Now I understand why it didn't open until I got older, who knows what baby Star would've done with a wand!" She chuckled, thinking about it. "Hey Marco?"

Marco looked at her, "Yeah?"

"You sort of look like Dracula right now." Star couldn't contain her wide smile.

Marco hugged himself and laughed. His contagious laugh spread to Star and she soon joined in. Marco caught his breath and wiped his eyes. He looked at Star and tilted his head curiously, "Star? What's that on your face?"

A single purple heart had appeared on Star's nose. She frowned, "What's what on my face??"

"That small purple heart on your nose." Marco walked up to her, inspecting it.

pop pop pop~
Three more hearts appeared, all different shades of purple.

"Star??" Marco rose an eyebrow, "What's going on?"
Oh no.
You guys are honestly the best and I'm the worst (at updating that is). I wish I could have an updating schedule but unfortunately I suck at keeping those kind of promises and school ends up getting in the way :,). Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Next one's gonna be interesting to write haha

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