Returning the Favor

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Star's POV

Do you ever just feel like your whole world is falling apart? Well that's how I felt when Marco, my only friend, told me that Janna told him that I was homeless. What would he think of me now? I was waiting for him to push me out of his house and tell me to go make friends somewhere else.

Marco was shaking my shoulders. I must've zoned out.
"I'm mad at you." He crossed his arms.

I felt my shoulders slouch and my heart sank.
"I'll leave.."
I reached for my bag, but Marco grabbed my wrist.

"You're staying. I want you to stay Star. I'm mad that you didn't tell me anything! You're my closest friend."

Was he even real?

"Marco I've been this way my whole life. I can take care of myself, ya know."
I fake grinned. It was all I could think to do in such a serious moment.

Marco rose an eyebrow at me, "Are you kidding? You'd think I'd let you leave my house homeless??"

"Don't worry about me Marco,"
I punched his arm lightly. 

"No, Star. I'm being serious!"

"And I'm not. I can't ask you to do anything for me Marco! I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"I have an extra room you know. My parents always wanted another kid you know. It's really no problem!"

I sighed and stared at him. This was unreal. How could someone be so generous?

"You helped me Star and I wanna help you. I owe you."
He took my hands in his.
"As of right now, Star Butterfly, you are not homeless. Not ever again."

I pulled him into a tight hug and I felt him hug me back. He was truly the greatest friend anyone could ask for.


Marco told me not to worry about his parents because he'd take care of it. This made me feel terrible and I started imagining ways that that could go.

"Hey mom! You remember that girl you just met? Yeah well she's staying forever! Hahaha."

What a nightmare.

I moved into the guest room and set my bag in the corner. I really didn't have much to unpack because, well, I didn't own that many things.

"Are you sure this is okay?"
I asked Marco, who was leaning on the door frame and watching me unpack.

"Don't even worry about it, Star. My parents are used to kids coming from all around the world and staying in our house. We take in exchange students."

"Oh. That's nice."
I walked over to him.
"You know, ever since I was little I always felt as if something big in my life was missing. Besides my parents and a home."

I didn't know what I was saying, but I trusted Marco enough to tell him how I felt and this was important to me. There was something about me that was missing—like a puzzle piece—and I had no idea what it was. There was something different about me that no one knew about. I hid it from everyone I knew because I was afraid they'd push me away or think I'm weird.

"Do you ever...not feel human?"
I practically whispered.

"Oh, all the time! I always feel like I don't fit in."

"No, I meant actually not feeling human."


I shook my head and rubbed my forehead.

"I don't know what I'm talking about. I must be tired."

I chuckled away the thought and looked up at Marco.

"You should get some rest. It's getting late anyways. Maybe we can go to the park tomorrow."
Marco smiled at me.

"Sounds good."
I nodded.

"Goodnight Marco."

"Goodnight Star."

next chapter is gonna be intense I can feel ittt.
anyways I suck at updating but I promise I come through. 🙏🏽

(i'm already working on the next part)


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