A Sad Surprise

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Marco decided to quit his daytime job of impressing Jackie to devote more time towards Star and her efforts to discover more about her newly found wand. It wasn't easy though. Seeing Jackie in the halls but having to pay attention to Star was difficult for the lovesick boy. He felt protective over his friend, especially after everything that had happened the other night.
"Star...are you sure it's a good idea to come to school today?" Marco asked uneasily.
"Of course Marco! Everything should be fine. Totally fine." She seemed to have hesitated.
About a second or two later Star was shoving Marco into a janitors closet, not giving him time to yelp.
"You're worried." Marco crossed his arms.
"Yeah..." Star rubbed her arm. "Sure."
"You're not worried?"
"No! I am—I mean I'm not...but I am! Ugh..." Star let herself fall onto the floor and hugged her knees.
Marco frowned and sat in front of her. "Wanna explain why you shoved me into the janitors closet and why I'm missing Algebra?"
"It's just that everything's too much for me to handle! It's like I went from 0-100, pretty much literally, in a couple of months and now I don't know how to deal with it. My life is like a puzzle and there are currently no pieces! Do you know how that feels like?"
Marco continued to frown at his panicking friend. He wasn't quite sure what to say or do to make her feel better. Unfortunately, Star was right. It was the ugly truth.
"Star," Marco placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "Things may not seem to add up now, but they will soon. We just have to be patient."
Star blinked. A single word made her feel so protected, so cared for. She wasn't alone. She was supposed to know that. If she had any doubts about it, now is when they all faded away. Marco somehow always knew what to say and she was thankful for that. Thinking about it, Star couldn't imagine a life without him. They hadn't been longtime friends, but it sure felt like it. Without Marco, Star would still be on the streets worrying about which trashcan to eat from without getting noticed. She was so thankful for him that somehow she had to show it.

Maybe she would throw him a party.

So Star decided to go on with the plan. Sure, it was a little impractical with the whole monster situation, but she really wanted to thank Marco in a way he would remember and see how grateful she was. Before any further planning was excuted, she asked Marco's parents what they thought. They agreed. Star made a guest list in the matter of minutes (excluding those ugly bullies of course). After sneakily sending out the invitations, she seemed satisfied with herself for once but her confidence was almost destroyed.
"Star," Marco got in front of her, panting. "I've been trying to chase you down all day. What's gotten into you?"
It was lunch time and for four straight days Star wasn't sitting with Marco to eat. She was so busy planning and she needed as much time as possible to make decorations which meant she had to eliminate lunch off of her schedule.
"Sorry Marco, I've been busy trying to..uh...keep my grades up!" She bit her lip nervously.
"You do realize I could've helped if you—"
"SorryMarcoI'mtryingthisnewindependentthinganditseemstobegoingprettywell! Gottablast!"
(Sorry Marco I'm trying this new independent thing and it seems to be going pretty well!)
Star darted towards the library.
Marco sighed, shaking his head. He knew something was off.
On the day of the party, everything was going according to schedule. Star was incredibly excited to surprise Marco and she made sure to have a camera around so his shocked expression could be saved forever. So when Marco walked through the front door and a dozen of his classmates yelled 'Surprise!' at him, Star did not expect him to turn white and practically dart away.
"Everyone stay here! I got this." Star said confidently even though she had absolutely no idea what was happening.
When she found Marco, he was crouched down in a corner of his room. He had his knees up to his chest and his eyes were watery. Star's first instinct was to lift up her wand, saying a spell that would make everyone she invited just appear back at their houses. Then, she dropped her wand and took a seat in front of Marco. Her heart tore in half and suddenly a wave of guilt washed over her. She was obviously the reason he was upset. After a moment of silence, Star finally spoke up.
"Marco...? Are you okay?" She heard a quiet sniffle.
"I-I'm sorry Star...I pa-panicked." He stuttered and let the violent sobs release from his throat.
Star's eyes widened as she watched her best friend break in front of her. It broke her. She reached out and grabbed his shoulders, immediately pulling him close to her. Gently, she let her hand rub his back in circular motions.
This is all my fault.
Star let him cry onto her shoulder as she brought her free hand up to the back of his head, carefully caressing his brown hair. She decided she was too blinded by the concept of a party to realize Marco was pretty much afraid of the kids in their grade.
I'm such an idiot.
"I made them all disappear already, you don't have to worry about that." She mumbled into his ear.
"I'm sorry Star," Marco said in between sniffles. The two let go of each other.
"No, I'm sorry for putting you in such an uncomfortable situation. I should've remembered." Star slouched sadly.
"I'm such a weirdo..." He sniffed. "Any normal kid would just enjoy a party. But me? Noooo.."
"You're not a weirdo. I'm a weirdo! I have a magic wand that spews out narwhals." Star noticed him chuckle and smiled in relief.
"So why'd you throw me a party anyways?"
"It was just a stupid way to show you how much I appreciate you.." Star felt her cheeks flush a little.
"Oh." Marco replied shyly. "No ones ever done something like that for me."
"Well, I know why now." She chuckled quietly.
Marco confused himself all the time. In fact, this was one of those times. Why did he suddenly feel his heart get heavy? Was it actually because of the girl in front of him that practically saved his life and changed it for the better? He was always so sure about his crush on Jackie which made these new feelings sort of scrambled and messy.
I wonder if she feels the same way.
Star Butterfly had been his best friend for sometime now and Marco was not entirely sure if he wanted to destroy that because of these new feelings.
What if it didn't destroy it?
Before Marco could organize any of the things he was feeling, he noticed something. His best friend's hand was on top of his and she was leaning towards him. Were her eyes closed? Marco felt his palms sweat and his heart beat quicken. Right before he was about to let Star kiss him, he noticed something glowing green outside of his window.
"St-star!" Marco pointed a shaky finger towards his window as he heard growls coming from it now.
Star's eyes shot open, reaching for her wand.


okay so yeah, this update didn't come super fast (sorry y'all) but I can promise I'm trying :,)
anyways this story has over 13k reads and that's insane! And so many people have voted it's all crazy. Thanks guys <3
~ Janell

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