Everything I Wanted

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Marco's mind was running a mile a minute.

He couldn't seem to comprehend the fact that he was kissing his best friend. He wrapped his arms around her and held her closely as he firmly pressed their lips together. Inhaling the sweet scent that was Star Butterfly, he began to contemplate their relationship.

Star had come into his life abruptly and changed him. Her caring nature, kindness, and optimistic attitude had taught him how to feel again. He never wanted to let her go. Without her, he would've done something he would've regretted forever.

Marco felt her pull apart from him and a small gush of cold air hit his face. The warmth between them had almost felt intoxicating and as soon as it vanished, he craved more of it.

"Marco," Star looked up at him, snapping him out of his daze.

"Huh?" He cleared his throat, still holding her close to him.

"What are we doing?"

Marco's grip loosened and he turned his head away, his gaze averting towards the ground beneath him. "I'm sorry...if this isn't what you want then—"

Star's hands pressed against Marco's cheeks and she turned his face so his eyes met hers. "This is everything I want...but I also want you to have a normal life. I don't want you to get caught up in this crazy dimension. It's nuts out here! Everything is out of the ordinary compared to the Earth dimension. There's monsters, magic, crazy princesses." She pointed around herself.

Marco's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I don't think you get to decide what I want. I know I want you, Star. I want you. You or your monsters, magic, and so called crazy princesses can't stop that." His hand wrapped gently around her wrist, stopping her from pointing at herself any longer.

Star blushed, her hearts beginning to glow a light shade pink. "Marco..." She sighed. "What do we do about my parents?"

"What about them?"

"Weellllll...they kind of sort of think you're a crazy prisoner that is plotting against us and is on the other side of the war." She said quickly, not meeting his eyes.

"Oh, well that's just wonderful!"



"You know I don't understand Earth sarcasm." Star's nose scrunched in annoyance. "I wasn't allowed to see you. They have no idea I did those tests on you! Oh god they're gonna react so bad!! What if they banish me to St. Olga's School for Wayward Princesses?! I can't live like that!! I'll become a robot!" She nearly screamed.

Marco shook her. "Star! Snap out of it! Everything's gonna be fine. We just need to make a plan. Where's Tom, Jackie, and Janna? They could help."

"Right! Uh...I kind of stormed out in the middle of dinner and had a breakdown over mistreating you so I'm not entirely sure where they'd be because I avoided seeing everyone."

Marco's expression softened. "Hey...it's okay. I'm fine and I'm here now. I know how important your kingdom is and I was literally brainwashed into helping Toffee and Rasticore. You made the right choice, don't beat yourself up over it."

Star nodded. "How'd they even manage to do that?! Ugh, I am so sorry that happened to you Marco. I'm sorry I ever sided with them. They're master manipulators."

"Yeah, they are."

"Maybe if I just explain to my parents I ran the exams myself and that you're fine, they'll accept you." Star grabbed Marco's hand and rushed towards the door.

"Think about what you're going to say before you say it!" Marco stumbled after the impatient princess.

"They'll understand. They'll have to!" Star opened the door and immediately bumped into someone. "Excuse me—Dad?!" She froze.

"Hi honey." King Butterfly smiled at his daughter. His expression changed when his eyes landed on Marco and then their hands. "Ahh, this must be Marco." He squinted.

"Your highness," Marco bowed carefully. He looked up and bit his lip anxiously. "Um...I should apologize to you for my behavior. You see I was kind of kidnapped and then brain—"

"Save it son." River crossed his arms seriously.

"Dad! Please just hear him out—"

"Star, your mother has been looking everywhere for you. You need to speak with her. You need to explain this to her."

Star blinked in confusion. "Wait, what about you? Aren't you mad?"

"No, I'm dad." River's expression softened as he broke out into a laugh. "Get it? My name isn't mad! It's dad! Ha! Genius isn't it?" He elbowed Marco in the gut.

Marco wheezed in pain, "Haha!" He forced a laugh as he coughed to the side.

"No, but seriously. You better think of the perfect excuse before seeing your mother. She's worried sick."

"I will." Star kissed her father's cheek. "Thank you dad!" She rushed off with Marco.

"She's in your bedroom!!" King Butterfly yelled out to them.

"Got it!!" Star exclaimed and took a sharp turn to the right.

"Do you know what you're going to say?!!" Marco nearly stumbled over himself as he followed his best friend quickly.

"Nope! I'm more of a wing it kind of girl." Star winked.

"Oh boy."

Star stopped in front of a light purple door with a golden doorknob. She reached for the knob but hesitated slightly.

"Are you okay?" Marco question worriedly.

"I just hope she can understand."

"She will. I know she will."

Star nodded anxiously and turned the knob, "Mom?"

"Star!!!" Queen Moon turned abruptly and rushed towards her daughter, pulling her into an embrace. When her eyes fell onto Marco, she backed away with Star in her arms. "Stay away!" Moon pointed a sword towards him.

"No, Mom! I need to talk to you, please." Star wiggled out of her embrace and put her hands onto her mother's shoulders.

"Uh," Marco rubbed the back of his neck, "I'll be waiting outside." He chuckled nervously and stepped out of the room.

"Mom, I tested Marco myself. He's okay! It seems like he was just brainwashed temporarily, but whatever Toffee or Rasticore did to him is gone. I made sure of it." Star's eyes glistened with determination. She was going to make her mother approve of her best friend, no matter the consequences.

"I'm afraid he's a threat to the kingdom and to you, Star." Her mother's eyebrows furrowed with apprehension. "Did he get into your head?"

"No! Well..." Star thought of Marco and sighed. "I love him. I'm in love with him, mom. He's my best friend."

Moon's expression changed into confusion as she tried to comprehend the words her daughter had just confessed. "You're confusing me. Love? How do you even know this boy?"

"When I was sent to the Earth dimension I didn't have a home for a long time. All I had was one outfit, a backpack, and amnesia. When I met Marco and he found that out, he offered his home to me and I met his parents. They're wonderful people Mom! They took care of me. You need to meet them one day."

"Perhaps I should thank them." Queen Moon rubbed her chin in thought. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, Star. I never meant for any of that to happen to you and I can't apologize enough for the mistakes your father and I made. We just wanted you to be safe. It hurt us to have to send you away." She pulled Star into a hug. "And if what you're saying about this boy is true, I should start warming up to him."

Star's eyes filled with tears as she hugged her mother back. She was definitely not homeless anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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