When the Party's Over (Pt 2)

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"Star? Are you okay?"

Star did what she had to do. She marched right up to those jerky jocks and let the expression on her face morph into pure rage. Were almost all the jocks nearly a foot taller than her? Yes. Did she care? Hell no. If they hurt her best friend, she would end them with her own two hands.

"Where is he? Huh? Where's Marco?" Star pushed the one in the front, clearly the alpha of the pack.

"Woah woah little girl, if you wanted to touch me, all you had to do was ask." A sly smile formed on his lips.

Cocky bastard.

"Oh really?," Star decided to play his game. "It's that easy? Alright then, can I touch you Mr. Jock?"

She watched as the two empty-headed, idiotic morons cheered on and praised their leader.
"Go ahead sweethea—"

Star punched the lights out of the guy. He stumbled in shock and his eyes widened in outrage. She swore she saw flames ignite within his pupils. She stood her ground.

"Tell me where Marco is. That is, unless you want your asses kicked."

"You and what army?" One of the morons spat.

"Don't test me." Star balled her fist and began to reach for her wand.

Jackie quickly got in between, raising her arms to separate each side of the fight. "I'm sure we can handle this in a more diplomatic and respectful way."

"Dammit Jackie! They took Marco! I know it! I saw their bloody napkins for crying out loud! They probably beat him up and left him somewhere. I have to go find him." Star's voice cracked in desperation and she darted away, leaving the commotion she caused.

She hadn't realized the music stopped blaring and the kids stopped dancing. She hadn't realized how she caused a circular crowd to form around her and the nasty jocks. Her mind was running a hundred miles per hour; all she could think of was Marco and as much as she was eager to find him, she was also terrified of what she'd find.

Her feelings were sadly justified when she reached the hallway lockers of the school. She found her best friend slumped on the ground of the hall, defeated. Star's heart snapped as she analyzed the situation and ran up to him.

"Marco!" She took his bloody face in her hands. "Oh my god, what did they do to you..." She didn't expect him to respond and she couldn't imagine what he was feeling at the moment. It looked as if the life was just sucked out of him; his eyes were glossy, his tux was torn, his face was red, and his nose was definitely a little crooked.

"Marco...I am so sorry." Star wept, raising her arm to cover her eyes. "I should've been here for you. I should've known something was wrong. I saw them walk into the dance and I knew I had to find you. I'm so sorry."

"Don't blame yourself." Marco wheezed.

Star wiped her eyes and held him. She felt his arms shift, as if he was going to hug her or maybe hold her back. She knew the strength that must've taken out him.
Typical Marco. Always putting the people he cares about above himself.

"I'm going to murder them..." Star began to stand but was stopped by cold fingers grasping her hand loosely.

"Star," Marco croaked out, "Star...stay with me. Please..."

Star fell in front of her best friend. The two looked at each other for awhile before saying anything.

"I'm sorry Marco..." She repeated herself again, filled to the brim with utter guilt.

Marco furrowed his brows and sighed. He shook his head and then his eyes widened. "St-Star—behind you!"

Star stood up quickly, turning around. Her face reddened with rage.

"Looks like you found our little toy," the jock that had been previously punched snickered and then spit to the side, "Grab her." His eyes lit up with disgusting excitement.

The two jocks behind him surrounded Star, cracking their knuckles and slurring stupid words. "Too bad you had to punch our number one, we could've had so much fun together."

The shorter one slammed a fist into his hand.
The taller one snatched up Star from behind and she yelped, fighting against him.

"Leave her alone!" Marco stood up, his knees shaking with pain. "Don't touch her!"

The leader of the group approached him, pushing him down on to his knees. The jock raised a fist and Marco's eyes widened as he noticed shiny silver rings—a knuckle buster—on the jock's thick fingers.

"I'm sorry buddy...this might hurt just a bit."

Marco shut his eyes tight, awaiting the last punch he might ever receive. He trembled and his nose dripped blood on to his clothing and then on the ground. After about 10 seconds, the brunette opened one eye and looking around.
Star was standing in front of him, the 3 jocks behind her and all very much knocked out.

"They're not dead, I promise. I just used a sleeping spell. It only works on idiots." She winked.

Marco's expression softened and he smiled. This girl in front of him, the girl that saved his life without ever knowing it, had always been there for him. The girl with the crazy powers no one would ever believe. The girl that could knock out three beefy jocks in the matter of 30 seconds. She was the strongest person Marco had ever known and he couldn't imagine his life without her.

"I'd be in a dark place, Star." Marco balanced himself on a locker. "I'd be in a dark place if I never had met you."

Star approached the boy in front of her. She took his hand.

"Me too."

I wanted to let y'all know that sometimes when I read notifications and you're asking me to update, it really motivates me to finish a chapter and publish it! Thank you for your comments & I realize this chapter is shorter than others, but a new part will be out soon ;)

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