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Pop pop pop~

Marco frowned, worried about the girl in front of him that was breaking out in purple hearts. He had never seen anything like it and it made him even more curious about his best-est friend. Was she even real? First magic, now purple hearts? Marco knew Star couldn't be human. No human could be this magical and unreal. He furrowed his brows, noticing Star's cheeks glowing a little.

"S-Star? What's going on?" He repeated. "Why're your cheeks glowing?"

He noticed Star's eyes open wide and then she turned away from him. "Marco you don't understand."

"Clearly I don't. Help me understand. Are you even human?"

Star didn't know what to say. She was wondering how she hadn't scared Marco off already. She rubbed at her cheeks, removing makeup and turned back to Marco. She sighed and watched Marco step back, puzzled.

"You have pink hearts on your cheeks??"

"Yeah...I wish I could answer your question on me being human or not. The truth is, I don't know. I wish I did. All I know is that I-I..." Star's eyes turned into the shape of hearts.

"Boooys~" She tilted her head to the side, staring at the skate park. Her eyes glowed.

"Star! Snap out of it!" Marco turned her away from the skate park. "There's no way we're going over there."

"Marco's a boy-" Star's face became consumed by purple hearts and Marco was suddenly pushed backwards. He rolled over and coughed, sitting up.

A couple feet away from him there was a large pile of purple hearts. Marco stood up and walked closer to the pile. He pressed his hand against it and suddenly two large, glowing white hearts appeared in the center. He let go of the pile, his hand leaving a shadow mark. Marco noticed five other hands appear and he backed away nervously.

"Star?" He asked quietly, sweating. This was not good. A silhouette appeared of what looked like a fairy. It flew out of the pile, causing Marco to stumble backwards. He squinted, trying to focus on the fairy-like thing flying above him. It didn't take him a while to realize it was Star. Marco's eyes widened, "Star!!" He immediately regretted shouting her name. She looked straight at him and zoomed down at high speed towards him. Marco shrieked and began running out of the forest. He'd soon regret this decision too.

Star reached down to grab Marco but she got distracted by the boy-ish yells and laughs coming from the skate park. "Booooys~" She flew towards the park.

"No!" Marco tripped over an abandoned skateboard and watched Star begin to fly towards the park. He got up and looked down at the board. Taking a deep breath, he hopped on it and rode it over to the skate park. Marco had an idea. If it didn't work, he might break a few ribs or maybe even legs but he wasn't thinking about that. He didn't know what Star was going to do to all the skater boys, but he didn't want to find out. Marco rolled into the park quickly. He picked up the skateboard and ran up to the tallest ramp.

"Marco??" Jackie watched him.

One of the skater boys pointed at Marco, "Hey look! It's wipeout!!" He laughed stupidly and a few other boys joined in.

Marco continued to sweat, ignoring Jackie and the boys. As soon as he reached the top of the ramp he looked around for Star and spotted her above him. He placed his board at the edge of the ramp and stepped on it. His stomach dropped at the same time he did, zooming down the ramp. He flew upward on the ramp that was across from him and reached out for Star. His skateboard rolled down the ramp, no longer attached to his feet. Marco felt like he was flying, until he was falling. This caught Star's attention.

Marco was yelling as he came closer to the ground. "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

Star flew down underneath Marco and let him fall into her arms.

Marco's eyes were shut and when he noticed he didn't feel like he was falling anymore, he opened one eye and looked at Star.

"Star!" He hugged her in relief.

Star's four extra arms disappeared and her purple skin faded to her normal pale skin. Her flapping wings shrunk and her eyes went back to normal. She blinked and looked at the ground. "Crap." The two fell to the ground and groaned, Marco on top of Star.

A group of kids surrounded the two, cheering. "That was wicked!"
"Sick!" They all chanted.

Marco rolled off of Star and knelt beside her. She was laid out, her arms outstretched.

"Are you okay???" Marco asked and grabbed her shoulders.

"That was....really something." Star blinked and sat up.

"Yeah it was. Let's get out of here." Marco got up and offered her a hand. Star grabbed his hand and he put his arm around her waist to help her walk. The two headed out of the skate park and decided to head home.


Back in the forest, a buff alligator picked up the left behind picnic basket and sniffed it. He crushed it and hissed, his yellow eyes glowing. He growled, turning to a group of armored monsters behind him.

"Tell master we've found the lost princess."

oh my gOD YOU GUYS THE RECENT EPISODES HAVE ME DEAD. I'm still 100% Starco though. Just sayin.
Anyways, peace ✌🏽

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