Picnic Fiasco

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Star's POV

Everything started normal at first. It was a pretty good day to begin with. Marco and I decided to wake up early and go to the park after we ate breakfast. He made us two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and packed it in a basket with a blanket that we could sit on. He was the sweetest.

"Ready to go?"
Marco picked up the basket and walked up to me.
"Most definitely."
I smiled at him.

Everything felt so good, so right. There was a weight lifted off my shoulders and a hunger that was fed. It felt as if nothing could go wrong. Until it did.

Marco and I walked out of his house together. We headed towards the park, talking about how stupid school was at the moment and how dumb the people around us were. I noticed Marco and I had a lot in common when it came to feeling like you don't fit in. The only problem was I actually didn't fit in. I was different in a way no one would believe and it scared me. I was afraid if I told Marco he'd abandon me as a roommate and as a friend. Just the thought was terrifying.

When we reached the park, Marco took me to a quiet area under a large tree. He laid down the blanket and sat down on it.
"You know, every time I take Ferg or Alfonso here they don't sit down and just relax. They always run to the playground like five year olds."
I chuckled at Marco and sat beside him.
"Smart boys. The playground is the best part of the park obviously."
Marco rolled his eyes, smiling.
"Obviously not."
"I didn't know they had a skatepark here,"
I looked over at the long haired boys and the really chill girls skate-boarding.
"Oh yeah. Jackie Lynn Thomas goes there everyday at twelve pm."
Marco zoned out a bit. I could tell he was daydreaming. He must've really liked this girl to know her schedule.
"You really like her, don't you?"
I elbowed him and smirked.
"Duh. She's the coolest."
Marco sighed dreamily.
"She is pretty cool. I like her hair."
I looked over at my dazed friend.
"That's not the best part about her."
"Oh really? What is then?"
"The way she skates down the hallways without a care in the world. It's like she has nothing to worry about because she's got it all. The personality, her beauty, oh and definitely the smile."
I had never heard someone so in love. During this moment it felt like no girl was good enough for Marco. He was one of the nicest boys and he seemed easy to take advantage of.
"Then what are you waiting for Marco?"
"Go get your girl before someone else does! You're totally in love and guess what? It's almost twelve."
"L-love? Pfft, I'm sure I'm not in love."
"Sure sounds like it."
I crossed my arms and Marco checked the time on his phone.
"Oh my god it is almost twelve!"
Marco nearly freaked out and I attempted to compose him.
"Does my hair look alright?"
He asked me.
"Yes. It does."
I smiled.
"Do I look alright???"
"You look fine!"
"There she is!!!"

Marco stared at the blonde girl skating towards the skate park. Jackie's nature was insanely cool. Her hair blew in the wind as she wore her helmet and knee pads along with black converse.

I noticed Marco slouched.
"She's way out of my league."
"Marco she is not out of your league! If you don't go say hi I swear I'll go over there myself and drag you along."
"That actually sounds better."
"Okay! Okay fine. Wish me luck."


Marco's POV

Star waved at me as I walked towards the girl of my dreams. I felt my hands getting sweaty along with my forehead. My brain was screaming to turn back and stay with Star, but my heart kept me walking towards Jackie. The weirdest wave of confidence swept over me and I decided to play it cool by walking in front of Jackie's path, but I still stayed a few feet away from her because I didn't need to get in an accident.

I heard her call to me.
The confidence I had one second ago disappeared and I turned awkwardly to Jackie whilst rubbing the back of my neck.
I stuttered stupidly and waved. She stopped in front of me.
"I've never seen you here before."
"You haven't? That's weird! Hahaha! I'm here all the time."
Trying to keep my cool with the coolest girl standing in front of me was extremely hard. I sounded like a creepy old man.

"Same! I'm always in the skatepark."
"Really? Me too!"
I blurted out stupidly and noticed Jackie rose an eyebrow at me.
"I meant a different skatepark. At a different park."
I tried hard to save myself from that but I was already in too deep.
"You skate?"
Jackie placed her hand on her hip and smiled.
"No way,"

This was the great part about Jackie. She was so chill that she just went along with everything. It was awesome until she said,

"Borrow my skateboard and show me what you got Diaz."
"What I got? Haha...what do you mean??"
There was no way out of the hole I dug myself into.
"I wanna see you skate."
Jackie handed me her skateboard. This should be good. Both of us began walking inside the skatepark.

Looking at all of the profesional teenage skaters freaked me out. What would Jackie say to me when she finds out I suck at skating? 5 minutes later and Jackie had brought me to this high skate ramp.

"I really shouldn't do this. I promised my mom no skat—"
"Oh cmon Diaz! I thought you skated."
Jackie was onto me.
"I-I do! I promise, but right now is rea—"
I was standing on her skateboard when it tipped over the edge of the ramp. I flew down it, screaming. Even though I was wearing Jackie's helmet, I was pretty sure I was going to die and then..CRASH.

I crashed into a fence that surrounded the small skatepark and blanked out for a minute.
I felt someone shaking me.
"Marco wake up!"

My eyes opened slowly and I stared up at Jackie who was looking down at me with worry. My head was resting on her lap. A group of skater kids were surrounding us.

I heard one of them laugh and I noticed them pointing. Soon, they all joined in chanting 'wipeout! wipeout! wipeout!' It was humiliating.
"I gotta go...bye Jackie!"
I stood up quickly and wiped my jeans.
"Marco wait!"
Jackie tried stopping me but I was already sprinting. There was no way I would stay to be even more humiliated.

I hugged myself and walked back to the spot Star and I were. Rubbing my—now bruising—arm, I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and looked around.

I called out. She was gone.

I opened the picnic basket and saw the two sandwiches uneaten and sitting in the same place they were before. Utterly confused, I walked around calling out Star's name. I heard yelling coming from the forest nearby the park and I ran towards it, still calling out for Star. When I reached where the yells were coming from I noticed pink flashes of light and yellow flashes of light and then the most unexpected thing happened. A narwhal flew out from the forest, nearly hitting me. I yelped and held my chest. This couldn't be real. Walking into the forest I spotted Star. Something was off about her. Maybe it was the glowing eyes and cheeks or maybe it was the huge book laying next to her. Whichever one it was, my eyes grew wide at the sight and I stuttered,


I dedicate this chapter to everyone that asked me to update. I wrote a lot in this one and I hope you're proud that I'm updating so early! I mean who would've guessed I could get a chapter finished in the amount of time I did. Ha! You guys deserve it ❤️
anways, love ya and peace out✌🏾

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