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history has its eye on you
( makers of fine wands )

CHAPTER NUMBER TWO:— history has its eye on you ( makers of fine wands )

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MY AUNT AND I took a train into London, we wandered around the town square for a short while, until I reached into my pocket and slipped out the letter, reading out all the supplies I would need for school.

The list definitely met my expectations.

"Three Sets of plain work robes, one plain pointed hat, for day wear. One pair of protective gloves, a winter cloak, and one wand. Please note that all student's clothes should carry name-tags at all times." Aunt Mable looked down at me and smiled as I read, watching as my lips move. "But Aunt Mable, how are we going to find all of this stuff in the middle of London?"

   Her eyes began to softly glimmer.

"Only if you know where to go." She tapped the side of her nose and led me into a petite bar on the corner of a narrow street. People with booming voices were talking and laughing rather loudly, so we weren't stopped by many. Mable greeted the bartender as we then continued to walk, until she led me to an outside area of the bar; blocked off by a large, burgundy brick wall.

"Aunt Mable, may I ask what we are doing in such a cramped space at the back of a bar?"

"I'm taking you to get your school supplies, of course." She smiled down at my confused look, before proceeding to tap some of the bricks with the umbrella she was holding, both she and I took a step back, as some of the bricks began to separate onto two different sides of the wall.

"Emmalina, welcome to Diagon Alley." Once the wall had stopped moving, I looked straight in front of me and was amazed by what I saw. It was a completely different place, and it was certainly a place I'd never seen before. I was starting to think if this is where she had purchased Picatrix, who was sleeping peacefully in her cage that was placed atop my suitcase.

 I was starting to think if this is where she had purchased Picatrix, who was sleeping peacefully in her cage that was placed atop my suitcase

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