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— a weasley heroic rescue
( flying ford anglia )

CHAPTER NUMBER TWELVE:— a weasley heroic rescue( flying ford anglia )

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THE BURROW WAS simply everything you could of wanted when it came to the perfect house. It's exceptionally comfortable sofas and armchairs, pots and pans that cleaned entirely by themselves, and a clock that didn't tell the time, but instead indicated the status of each member of the household.

   It was brilliant, in my opinion.

"So, how've you enjoyed your summer with us Emz?" Fred asked as we sat at the table, patiently waiting for Molly to serve us yet another delicious home-cooked breakfast.

As I were about to answer Fred's question, I was interrupted by Ron, who didn't look at all impressed, since his eyebrows were tightly knitted together.

"Shush Fred, she doesn't like it when you call her that."

"Oh be quiet you."

Ron did nothing but roll his eyes.

"It's okay Ron," I chuckled, lightly nudging his shoulder. "It's been great Fred, I've enjoyed getting to know everyone better." Molly turned around, a huge smile plastered onto her face.

    "Well," Fred began, lowering his voice. "I've got a rather exciting idea booked for tonight." He narrowed his eyes, peculiarly examining our glances.

    "What's that?" Ron and I said in synch.

"We're going to rescue Harry of course!" He replied almost a little to loudly. "All we need is to fly dad's car to Surrey—" Fred was then interrupted by a rather confused Ron, who's mouth was currently imitating the shape of an o.

"Are you bloody mad?" Ron exclaimed quietly. "What if mum catches us! What's your plan then genius?" He added sarcastically. Fred nudged his twin brother, George, who had been been rather quiet during our little conversation.

"Stop worrying Ron." George joked. "Fred and I have it all planned out, and plus, don't you want to rescue Harry from that annoying cousin of his?" Ron curled his lips up gently before slightly nodding.

    "If it were me, I would've hexed him by now." Fred added.

Ron turned to face me, as he noticed I was looking quite confused. I didn't really know much about Harry's relatives, as he never seemed to mention it during our first year of Hogwarts, which didn't seem that long ago.

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