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— you're bloody crazy, you are !
( not the smartest of ideas )

CHAPTER NUMBER TWENTY: — you're bloody crazy, you are !( not the smartest of ideas )

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  WHEN I AWOKE THE next morning, I certainly didn't feel the same. I didn't like looking around my dormitory, knowing full well that Lisa wasn't loudly snoring in the bed beside mine. If I was honest, I missed her a lot more than I was letting known. Then it finally dawned on me — the boys. Where they safe? Did they kill the basilisk? Was Ginny okay? All these questions, yet no answers.

It was rather evident that us Ravenclaws had been affected by these attacks, and it was mostly down to the fact that one of our head prefects, Penelope Clearwater, had also been a victim of the petrification attacks — as well as Lisa. Knowing full well that I wouldn't have been able to fall back into a peaceful slumber, I changed lazily into my robes, still anxious at the thought of the three boys and there whereabouts.

As the morning was bitterly cold, I decided it would be best to spend some time by the fire. During the winter evenings, this was where students would visit, meaning that most of the time it was a very crowded area. But in the early hours of the mornings, it was the complete opposite. It was that quiet, you could hear the relaxing sound of the flames crackling, and how their warmth hit your fingertips with ease.

After I'd spend a couple of peaceful minutes by the fire, I noticed a blonde girl come skipping swiftly down the stairs. As the sun had not yet risen, the only noticeable feature of hers was her twinkling pair of bright blue eyes.

"Hello there." She greeted, jumping gracefully off the last step.

"Good morning." I greeted back.

"What were you doing up in the tower?" I asked, hoping immediately after that I hadn't come across as nosey. Luckily, the girl smiled, before plopping herself down beside me.

"Just visiting a friend." She answered quietly, rubbing her hands together gently.

As much as I wanted to ask who her friend was, I didn't. I wanted to hand her a good first impression, and being nosey would have done the complete opposite.

"You know, you look a lot like my friend." She admitted, examining my features in more detail. "A lot like her."

"Oh?" The blonde girl nodded, before looking back at the burning flames of the fire. "What's her name?" Wait, I just asked another nosey question, didn't I?

"Helena." The girl smiled, "I've been visiting her ever since I arrived here in first year, she doesn't have that many friends."

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