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— ending up in the wrong place.
( wrong pronunciations )

  ONCE WE HAD ALL returned to The Burrow the follow morning, I could immediately tell that Harry was amazed by what he saw around him

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ONCE WE HAD ALL returned to The Burrow the follow morning, I could immediately tell that Harry was amazed by what he saw around him. His eyes were fixated on the self cleaning pots and pans, but they soon trailed over to the strange looking clock, that wasn't really a clock at all.

"It's not much," Ron shrugged. "but it's home."

All of a sudden, Mrs Weasley appeared from out of nowhere, hands of her hips, staring at every guilty face that lay in front of her. She was wearing an apron with multi-colored flowers scattered all over it, whilst her wand was hanging out of her pocket.

   "Where have you been?!" She yelled, staring at the five of us. "Do you have any idea how worried you've made me?" Her yell slowly began fading into an angry whisper.

She paused before speaking again, breaking the awkward silence. "Of course Emmalina, I don't blame you nor Harry." She smiled sweetly at the two of us. She looked back towards her sons, and that smile of hers soon disappeared.

  "Beds empty no note, car gone!" She shouted yet again. "You could've died you could've been seen! You boys don't know how much trouble your dad could be in if the Ministry ever finds out about this." She shook her head disapprovingly.

   "They were starving him mum!" Ron whined, looking at both Fred and George for backup. "They put bars on his window!" The twins nodded, attempting to sway their mother into giving them sympathy.

  "Well you best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." He frowned, glaring at his mother with a petrifying stare.

"Nevertheless, all of you seat yourselves at the table right away, breakfast is almost ready to be served." She clapped her two hands together, ushering us to take a seat at the table. We did so, only to be greeted by Percy, who was already patiently sat waiting for his food.

"You three," He started, wafting his finger and staring at his brothers with some sort of sarcastic disappointment. "Are complete idiots, seriously, what were you thinking?" He coughed, however it could've been easily mistaken for a snigger.

"Oh yeah, I forgot 'Perfect Percy' never does anything wrong." Fred muttered, although it was louder enough for Percy and the rest of us to hear. Molly also heard this, and turned around, giving Fred a deadly stare.

"You could do with taking a leaf out of Percy's book!" Molly stated, prodding a finger into Fred's chest, her voice raising slightly. She began rambling yet again about how we could've easily died last night, but nobody seemed to be paying an ounce of attention.

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