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He saw the panic on her face and for a minute he thought she would run and close herself inside a empty cubicle

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He saw the panic on her face and for a minute he thought she would run and close herself inside a empty cubicle. He however was determined to have this talk.

"We need to talk" he said coming to a stop in front of her.

"There's nothing to talk about" she replied. He watched as she hugged herself in a protective manner.

"I scare you?"

She looked away from him without responding.


"Yes! OK yes you scare me!" She exclaimed

He wrestled with his thoughts, he wasn't expecting that. He wasn't so surprised though because that's exactly how he felt. She awoke something in him, something that he's never felt before, something desperate and it scared him.

Her face looked conflicted. Fear, want, guilt?

Does she feel guilty about what happened back there?

He took tentative steps toward her then softly grasped her shoulders in his hands. He leaned his for head against hers.

"What's happening Jess?" He whispered

"I don't know. Do you know because..."

He heard the confliction in her tone and for a minute he was angry with himself. Logan had explained everything that happened between them. He knew now they were just friends so their date was strictly platonic. The only thing holding him back right now was confusion or was it fear? Either way he knew he had no business getting involved with her. As much as he was attracted to her, he would have to set her straight.

He lifted his forehead from hers and brushed her cheeks waiting for her eyes to open. Once again the striking green shocked him. So familiar. He'd seen green eyes before, this exact pure, unadulterated emerald. One could only find that shade in the most priceless gems. Collectors would pay a fortune for a stone that color. It was unique, or so he thought. For yet here he was being taunted even from beyond the grave. Maybe this was just life's way of punishing him, but punish him for what though? No, this was simply life's warning that he shouldn't ever get in too deep and risk getting hurt again.

"You're beautiful" he watched as she smiled uncertainly. "And you're good company" he lightly brushed her hand before letting her go and took a step back. He needed to put as much distance between them as possible if he was going to do this.

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