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Jessica curled her fingers around the bouquet of flowers as she let herself into her apartment that night

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Jessica curled her fingers around the bouquet of flowers as she let herself into her apartment that night. At last she could release her past, let it float away into obscurity. Happiness flowed through her, warming her skin like the rays of an early summer sun. Her customary cautious grin exploded into a radiant smile that she hadn't worn in much too long. Everything was going to be alright now, she had Javier and he had her. They were a team. He would help her to never fear the thought or chance for love again because he would be with her each step proving just what love is suppose to be.

She put her flowers in the vase with the flowers she got earlier. At this rate she might just leave the window open for bees to come and enjoy her indoor garden.

She kicked off her shoes and undressed as she walked into her bedroom. A shower sounded like heaven at the moment. So that exactly what she did. The warm water soothed her muscles and left her feeling even more relaxed. The soft towel she wrapped around her felt soft and cushy, immediately climbing into bed and sinking under the covers sounded Heavenly.

Whoever knocked at her door had other ideas though. She pulled a large T-shirt on and went to answer the door.

"Who is it?" she asked but got no answer. She slid the chain into place and peeked through the peephole. There was no one there but she saw yet another vase of flowers.

She grinned and opened the door expecting to see Javier hiding but all she saw were the flowers. She stepped out and looked up and down the hallway then she heard the elevator door close but not before she heard a deep chuckle.

Her brows knitted in confusion as she picked up the flowers and went back inside. She slid all the deadbolts closed and added the chain just for peace of mind.

The card was typed and it said.

Green is your colour, you looked like a dream come to life today.

She was smiling at first and then she remembered she wasn't wearing green today so Javier must be talking about her eyes. She wasn't sure why he didn't stick around to deliver the flowers himself but she figured there's a method to his madness. The chuckle right before the elevator slid close is what caused the hair on the back of her neck to rise. She brushed it off as being tired and brought the vase into her room where she searched for a underwear. As she was pulling it on her phone beeped. She picked it up and saw a message from an unknown number.

Dream about me, I know I'll be seeing you all night ;)

She picked up the phone and dialed Javier's number. When he picked up she could tell she had interrupted his sleep and instantly she started to panic. If he was sleeping who was leaving her flowers at almost midnight?

"Jessica are you there?" she heard the worry in his voice now.

"Did you leave some flowers at my door tonight?" she asked him

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