Chapter 6

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They are in a cafe in one of the outskirts in Zurich, it has a very homely ambiance.  The two ladies stared at each other in awkward silence at first, because the last time they had news about each other was when Teddy offered Owen a job in Germany which he declines afterwards since Cristina got pregnant with Theo.

As Cristina sips her coffee, she is aware that Teddy’s eyes are on her.

Teddy : Congratulations, by the way.  You have your trial back.

Cristina : Yes, Thank you.

Teddy:  so how was the home front?

Cristina: Fine, I guess. I don’t know.

Teddy : guess?

Cristina :  Yeah.

Teddy : Don’t tell me, Hunt do not know that you are here.

Cristina looks at Teddy then stood up and bolted out, she run away from her.

Teddy, a runner, was able to follow her; she saw Cristina sitting on the bench, hands on her face.  Teddy sat beside her and offered her tissue. Cristina accepted and as she wipes her tears, Teddy look at the picturesque view of the wide waters and the bridge.

Teddy: Zurich is a nice place. I love it here more than Germany. ..I heard Dr. Burke had invited you here a couple times but you declined since you and Owen are finally getting right on track and started to have a kid.

Cristina: not a kid. Kids. We’ve got two sons.

Teddy:  Whoah. That is nice. Hunt must be thrilled.

Cristina. He is more than happy.

Teddy: He wants to have kids. I know he is happy.  How about you?

Cristina: I don’t know. A total wrecked, maybe.  Motherhood is not for me, I don’t have patience, I regret having kids.. I left them, see? I am that horrible.

Teddy: You are not a bad person, Cristina. I know you. You just need some help.

Cristina : Please don’t tell Owen that I am here. I just need something new in my life. I am happy with them but sometime everything does not seem right.

Teddy: You have my word, Cristina. When I was in Germany,  I also think that I’ve got it all but just one day, I got sick of it and I know I need something new in my life. I want a new place and I miss research – well that’s why I am here.  I feel better when i had sessions with this amazing woman, who can help you in dealing with your problems. She’s  a well-known therapist specialized with women’s issues.

Cristina : Thank you, Teddy. But I think having my trial and medical team back will keep me going. Therapy is really not for me.

Teddy: Just give it a try.


Owen is preoccupied since he receives Cristina’s voicemail

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Owen is preoccupied since he receives Cristina’s voicemail.

When he is at home his hand are always full and now that he is at work he feels more tired than ever.

He is just finishing his paperwork, when he received a page from daycare. It is time for him to pick up his son.

He went to the conference room to continue his work; he first put Morgan on the car seat and let him drink the baby formula until he falls asleep.  For Theo, Owen bought apple juice and let him play his toy and read his favorite books. He suddenly thinks of Cristina’s voicemail, he looks up his sons and feels miserable for them. 

After he settled his sons into their own business – he started answering emails. He still has a lot of work things to do, budget reports, medical reports.

He was indulged in his work when he felt a liquid flowing down the floor near his shoes. When he look at the huge conference table, he saw Theo stunned over his spilled Apple juice. Owen felt sudden outraged – the papers on his desks are soaked with red liquid, he crumpled it and threw everything aside, he swiftly pick up Theo and put him on the corner. The boy cried and the toddler follows, Owen pondered his fists on the table and said “damn her. Damn her!” which made the cries in room louder.

Dr. Bailey heard the noise and saw the two children crying, she yelled “Dr. Hunt!” Callie heard Bailey’s voice and immediately went to the conference room -  Dr. Bailey hold Morgan to calm him down while Callie went to Theo – and since the boy has  a strong resemblance with his mother – she saw the same fear in the boy’s eyes  the night when Cristina was choked by Owen. Callie carried Theo and the crying boy embraces her.  Meredith came afterwards.

Meredith:  What the hell happened here?

Dr. Bailey: Ask him.   Pointing towards Owen direction while to comfort the sobbing toddler in her hands.

Meredith took a glance of Callie and Theo on the corner, she have read through Callie’s eyes.

Meredith: Callie..Dr. Bailey.. take the kids downstairs. Wait for me there.

When Dr. Bailey and Callie went out the room, she glanced at Owen whose hands are now covering his face, shameful as he realized what he have done. After brushing his hand to his hairs,   He looks up at Meredith.

Owen:  she left me a voicemail, Meredith.  That’s all I got from her! A letter, a voicemail and two kids! Do I deserve this? I love her so much but this time I am just angry, I don’t know how I can survive this.

Meredith: You have to be stronger than this. You have to pull yourself together, Owen.  I’ll take your kids with me, do not worry about them. Please take your days off and clear your head for a while.

Owen took a deep sigh and agreed.

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