Chapter 21

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[ A/N:  So, what happened to Owen? Why did he and Cristina lost communication again at some point? Here's the first part! ]

That day.

The emergency room is busy. It seems today is a freaking accident day. Unbeknownst to Owen, that he will face another challenge that will push his medical career by the edge, unlike his wife’s whose name is on the path of changing the face of medicine. He might have a couple of step near to his career’s downfall.

Owen is on call, graveyard shift, just great.  He looks dreadful. After a couple of beers ,  he fell asleep but he did not get enough rest, having two kids is not a walk on the park plus he had news that he did not take well this morning from Theo’s teacher. He cannot believe how he missed it. He feels embarrassed not to saw the signs. In addition to that, he was trying to call Cristina since this morning, but he was always connected to voicemail or she instantly hanged up as she was also busy on her own things.  


He had a scheduled meeting at Theo’s school this morning.

Teacher Donna: Good Morning, Dr. Hunt.

Owen just smiled and he was asked to sit. He noticed there is another woman in the room but he just nodded as a greeting, assuming she’s just another teacher.

Teacher Donna: First of all, thank you for coming Dr. Hunt, I know being doctors, it is not easy get time. We would like to discuss this matter to both parents, I hope you don’t mind - May I know where Theo mother is?

He does not what to share what happened to their personal lives, nor is he willing to share that Theo’s mother is not currently around.

Owen: Uhmmm She -- has--- surgery, so she just asked me to attend this meeting and we’ll talk about it.

He is stuttering but he hopes they are convinced that Cristina is just on the hospital.

Teacher Donna: I understand, Dr. Hunt. I hope we can have another meeting with Dr. Yang as well. Oh, by the way – this is Dr. Green, she is a child psychologist. I know, Theo’s parents are doctors but it will be helpful, that someone who is an expert with this thing would discuss to you. I know it was just a first month of school, but as the teacher I would like to inform you that Theo might need special attention.

Owen: Child Psychologist? Special attention? He likes school more than day care. If you know what I mean.

Teacher Donna: Here are Theo’s workbooks. As you can see, this first month we are teaching them to read and write.

Owen looked at the papers. It has Theo’s name on it. But it was corrected with red ball pen. Although, the drawings are okay, so are the colors but most of the letters are on backwards.  Owen is helping Theo with his homework, but he just think that preschool children normally, interchange “b” and “d” and writes letters backwards.

Teacher: Well, what you can see? Dr. Hunt?

He cannot speak. He knows what it means and what Theo may have.

Teacher: More to that, we are already teaching them to read.  Here is the evaluation report we have for this first month. I am afraid Theo is not doing very well. When I asked him, he said to me that it seems like the letters are dancing, so he does not participate when the class read the words in unison.

Owen is staring on Theo’s papers. The teacher and the child psychologist just stared each other, waiting for the right moment to give the news.  The child psychologist cleared her throat. Owen chinned up and prepares to hear the words.

Dr. Green: Dr. Hunt, I believe you understand. Your son may have a reading disorder. As you know, dyslexia –

Owen: I know what it means.

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