Chapter 11

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It is in the middle night when Owen’s pager kept ringing, he suddenly woke up. Dressed up to work, Pick up his sleeping toddler, put him in the left side car seat on his truck then enter the house again to pick up his another son to the car seat on the right side.

He stops in a suburban area in-front of a bungalow house and knock – he is welcomed by Callie.

Owen:  Callie, Can they stay here for a while? I was paged and I don’t have anyone to leave them since my Mom is out of town.

Callie : Of course, Owen. Arizona is here and the kids can play with Sofia.

Owen: Thank you, Callie.  I’ll pick them up sooner I promise.

Callie: It’s okay. No need to worry. Go and save lives.

Callie called Arizona.

Owen handed over sleeping Theo to Callie.  He then carried Morgan into Callie’s home but the toddler jolted awake and started crying.

Morgan screamed and sobs uncontrollably as his father handed him over to Arizona.

Arizona soothes the crying toddler and muttered to Owen:

Arizona: Just go. We can take care of them.

Owen has no choice but leave them. He reluctantly leaves their porch but work is calling him. 


It’s been a spontaneous morning for Owen. After he left his kids under Callie and Arizona’s care – he had done a bunch of paperwork, and answered a lot of emails. He even had one surgery done.

Everything is perfectly fine until he was paged to the pit and when he saw Arizona’s 911. He immediately ran off downstairs.

To his dismay, he found his youngest son being examined by Arizona and Karev. He was frantically crying, wheezing and having difficulty breathing.  Owen glued on the spot of Bed 7, as he saw Arizona’s stethoscope on his son’s tiny chest while Karev put oxygen in his tiny nostrils.


Cristina’s shift is over but she is still working in the laboratory. Examining scans and reading medical journals. She then had a sudden feeling of worry and her youngest son crossed her mind – something in her knows that there is something wrong, her sixth sense is in high alert and she needs to verify it.   She then closed the medical journals around her, packed her things and immediately went home to her apartment.


Owen still, did not move. He just stared at the small patient under his staff and friend’s care.

Owen: What happened to him?

Arizona:  We are playing on the backyard, Theo and Sophia running around along with our neighbor’s kid, Cathy. Morgan, Callie and I are sitting at the bench while looking at them. 

Callie: We want everyone to have fun. Morgan fall asleep but when he woke up he’s still crying – we thought he was just hungry. So we let him have the cookies the two kids are eating and he likes it.

Arizona: Until, after a while… he cried..

Callie: and we notice he’s wheezing and a bit sore…so we rushed him here. 

Arizona: and I think Morgan is having allergic reaction this is an anaphylactic shock but I have to be certain. I asked Karev to do some tests first and we are going to take care of him.
Callie: I am so sorry, Owen. We don’t want this to happen.

Owen: It’s okay. I am grateful that you are there, you are very capable mothers.

Arizona: Do you know if Morgan has any allergy?  Was he hospitalized before?

Owen: None that I know of. And the last time he was in hospital was the few weeks after he was born - he was 3 weeks early so he was in breathing support, his lungs were not fully developed that time. But he didn’t have any problems. Cristina and I never miss any routine check-up for him. It is just now, that we know he might have one.

Arizona: I see, that’s why he is susceptible in having respiratory problems – asthma or even allergic reactions, Owen. Right now, we have to move him to the pediatric ward upstairs for him to rest. I will stay there to monitor him.

Callie: I will go home and stay with the kids. I will ask Theo to come here before we go home. Okay?

Owen: Thank you Arizona. Thank you, Callie. I am so sorry, you were involved in this.

Arizona: It’s okay, Owen. We are here to help. I will update you once I got the test results.


Meredith just finished her whipple surgery, she was busy scribbling on the charts in the nurse station when she saw Callie with Sophia and Theo.

Meredith: Hey Callie? What’s up? I thought you were off today?

Callie: I am. But Morgan was rushed in the ER earlier so we are here. I am going home since there two kids are hungry, I need to come back later.

Meredith:  What happened?

Callie: He had an anaphylactic shock - so Arizona and Karev are monitoring him.  They are with Owen in the Peds ward Room 504.

Meredith: How is he? Is he okay now?

Callie: He is asleep and oxygenated. They are just waiting for the results of the test. He is still under observation.

Meredith:  I see. I better check on him after I finish this chart.

Callie: Okay, got to go. I’ll come back later.


Meredith was on her way to the peds room, when her phone rang – it is Cristina calling. She immediately answered it and hides in the nearby supply closet.

Cristina: Meredith. Is Morgan Okay?

Meredith: You already know?

Cristina:  Oh my god, There’s something wrong? I knew it! What happened?

Meredith notices how anxious her friend’s tone is on the other line. She was about to say that her friend that her youngest son is on a serious condition but that willbe stating the worst and she know Cristina will panic and will blame herself even she's a thousand miles away from the scenario. She needs to see her godson first.

Meredith: I was planning to call you after I check on him. Callie said he was rushed in the ER earlier because he had difficulty breathing, he has oxygen support to help him breathe – I don’t know the whole story yet I am just on my way to the pedes ward.  I’ll let you know.Owen and Arizona are with him.

Cristina: How about Theo? Where is he?

Meredith: He’s with Callie now. I'll go in Peds now.

Cristina: Mer. Please call me as soon as you know.

Meredith:  of course, I’ll call you later.

That night Cristina cannot sleep. She was feeling normal as ever that past few weeks - her research and therapy is progressing. She’s taking step by step to feel whole again.  But now, her conscience is eating her alive her youngest son is hospitalized and she was not even there to take care of him. She really is a bad mother, her kids do not deserve her – this is why she does not want have kids before.

While waiting for Meredith’s call, she went to the shower hoping that the guilt devouring her washes away –and once again, she let the water streams down her face along with her tears.


A/N : with medical related stuff just to add some drama. ✌ I dont know much about the term so i relied everything from Google. 😊

By the way, thanks for the comments and votes!

(And sorry if I always make Cristina miserable in this story. She deserves to be happy!  I know! ✌)

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