Chapter 16

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Cristina is the type of person who does not get up to work when it is not work day. But today, she is dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans, armed with a hat and sunglasses’, waiting for her with a huge smile on his face is his husband in blue polo and khaki shorts.

Cristina: Remind me again, where are we going on nice and freaking early Saturday morning?

Owen: City Tour. You agree to signed up for that. I want to take a look the City and I want to spend it with you and besides I know that you haven’t had chance to do it either.  The places you visited in Zurich in your few months stay maybe this room, the lake, the hospital and a coffee shop you always go to because you love their coffee and bagel.

Cristina smirked and answered “Am I that predictable? Why do you know me so much?” She approached him and squeezes herself into his arms. Owen, fond of this sudden sweetness, kisses his wife’s forehead.

Owen: I just know you are not into those kinds of things. Come on, dear. Let’s go and see Zurich.

Cristina said “Yay!” sarcastically. Owen just laughed.


The City tour group they belong to composes of couples, specifically middle-aged couples or rather retired couples who have the time to travel and see Europe because they have the time and luxury to do so.  Cristina and Owen are the youngest among the bunch and they’ve been asked if they are newlyweds or honeymooners. Cristina who does not want to be engaged into longer conversations , since she knows it may lead to asking about their personal life, so she just smiled and agreed.

They start the day visiting the National Museum of Zurich with its castle-like magnificent architecture, all was in awe.  They also went to St. Peter Church. Listen to the guide's history telling.   Hand-in-hand, the red head and raven curls, are walking in the outskirts of Zurich; submerged into the pool of people, who like them are relishing around the wonderful Bahnhofstrasse.

Throughout the day, Cristina and Owen act like honeymooners, lovers on a travel adventure, free from any distractions and away from their responsibilities which resides half way around the world. Pretty much, they enjoy being tourists. They take pictures together on the splendid views and structures. They learned and discovered many things through sight seeing, and since  travelling is not some sort doctor couples usually do, they are both grateful for this remarkable experience.

They are sitting on the bench while waiting for the members of the group to finish their picture taking, when Cristina hands Owen a box, when he opened it is a gold watch. His  blue eyes glitter as he looks at his wife, she does not usually give material kind of things especially on a day without any occasion.

Owen:  What is this?

Cristina: A watch. Swiss watch.

Owen: I know that. I mean, what for? don’t have to.

Cristina touches his faces and gave him a smooch on his lips. She helped him put on the watch on his left wrist, Owen then notices that her glistening engagement and wedding rings on her ring finger in her left hand. It is usually chained as pendant into her necklace but now she wore it. This might be the reason why the group is asking them if they were newly married, the rings still appears to be brand new since Cristina seldom displays it.  He was overwhelmed with her simple gesture that he enveloped her on his arms and gave her a passionate kiss instead of just uttering Thank you. When their lips are apart, they look into each other eyes and Cristina is the first one to say a word.

Cristina: Just a simple gift, Owen...for everything.

Owen: Thank you Cristina. I love it but I love you more.

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